My Tomato clown has decided these polyps will do since she has no anemone.
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Question by ash: Where do I find ‘green tomatoes’?
I have a recipe that calls for green tomatoes. It is a Mexican style dip. I am not sure if they are just unripened tomatoes or an actual green tomato. I live in Austin, Tx.
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Answer by PJ1990
I think they’re just unripe tomatoes for the most part. I could be wrong though.
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LOL Look like im gettin some green star polyps
hi iv got a green star but when i put it in my tank that just went but only a few small one’s are still there how can i get them to grow qwikly and for it to spred can you mail me plz thanx
i love how the feather duster like “yo touch me one more time and ill cut you.”
back again! haha, i actally bought a very small cinnamon clownfish like an inch long and he has hosted my frogspawn and my rock flower anemone but if i could i would love it to host in some green star polyps if i were tobuy some…do u think if i seperated my frogspawn and my rock flower anemone he would possibly go for them? its a 10 gal tank so yea.
that is so cool, beautiful fish, sorry to hear the fish passed,
the fish looks big though, you have it for a good while?
found this though google lol
This stuff does grow pretty rampant. I have it in a tank of mushrooms and polyps all off which grow all over so in my situation it is not a problem. The excess growth is VERY easily removed with scissors. Mine has spread to the glass on the back of the tank. If I wanted I could easily peel it off. This clown sadly passed away but I replaced it with two tiny little babies and they started to go for the polyps also. They now inhabit a large colony of red, green striped and lavender mushrooms.
niec thats cool, i wanted to get a small 1 inch frag of green star polyps too and everyone is always sayin how they get outta hand when they grow but i really dont care cus i need some coral growth in my tank the only 1s i have r tiny. do u think theres more of a chance of my tank raised ocellaris pair hostin my frogspawn or torch then to host the green star polyps?
Ok Budy I guessed they don´t. . .
Can You Tell me Please, the difference Betwen both ?
those are not Star Polips, that Kind it´s called Briareum
cool star Polyps just got some yesterday and are doing well cool Tomato Clownfish they allway look good the bigger they get
can’t wait till mine get that big..just bought some fragged polyps only an inch in lenth far they are pretty though:)
I have a Clarkii and it hosted to my Xenia
very nice
wow never seen that before
how long did it take for it to grow? i just bought a frag and i it hasn’t grown off it’s frag plate yet, but i was wondering how fast they grow in steady parameters.
Haha, so cuTe!!!! :D
One of my occelaris clowns has started to host in my star polyps too. It doesn’t nestle down in them yet like yours does, but with time i hope it will.
Neat! My tomato clown decided to host in a large green hairy mushroom. I think Tomato clowns are one of the least picky clowns when it comes to anemone substitutes!
That is a beautiful fish, love your aquarium :o)
maybe the farmers market not to sure hope i helped
It probably means tomatillos, since it is a Mexican style recipe.
they are unripened and you can find them at your supermarket or outdoors produce sellers
There are many varieties of green tomatoes. Living as far south as you do, you might be able to find them in your local grocery store. If not, see if there are any local fruit stands that have them. My mom gets her “green tomatoes” from a friend of hers that has a garden. They say the best green tomatoes are home grown.
I am guessing its not an actual tomato (the kind your thinking abour) they are talking about, I think they mean this kind:
They use this kind of tomatoes in alot of Mexican Dishes.