Growing Heirloom Tomatoes: Do It Yourself

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes: Do It Yourself

Expert tips for sprouting Heirllom Tomato plants, first part of a series walking you through the process of growing tomato plants. Check back soon to see the…

Question by michelle: growing multiple tomatoes in pots?
I’m attempting to grow tomatoes in containers for the first time. I have 17 gallon pots, and plan on growing sweet millions, chocolate cherries, and belgium giants. Can I put multiple tomato plants in each pot, or will they do better individually?
I live in northeastern Ohio, if that makes a difference.

Best answer:

Answer by Tim
You have 17 one-gallon pots? Or you have pots of 17 gallons? If you have one gallon pots, I would say they are too small for just one tomato plant. They will most likely burn up in the summer heat when the roots get too hot. You should have 2-gallon pots min. You may get by with one-gal. pots, but you will be watering constantly to keep the roots cooled and they roots will be too crowded. That would even apply to patio type tomatoes.

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  1. in a 17 gallon pot you should be able to grow 3-4 plants. i grow two at a time in two gallon pots in texas.

  2. You can put plants together in a large pot without problems. If the pots are deep you can bury the stems as that will give them a better chance at a good root system. The little hairs on the stems will turn into roots and give them a really good root structure.
    If you’re interested there’s quite a useful article in my source box which gives more information about how to grow tomatoes in pots.

    Good luck and enjoy your tomatoes!

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