This is a School extra credit project, for those who are watching this youll get a sense of what a tomato plant looks like and how it grows.
Question by PinkSkyCloud: Beginner’s Indoor Vegetable Garden: How do I begin? I don’t know where to start. I’d like to grow tomatoes,?
lettuce, peppers and peas but I don’t want to do more than I can handle. So any advice about the easiest items to grow or tips would be helpful. Also, I do have a small covered porch area that’s always warm.
Thanks for reading : )
Best answer:
Answer by Bored out of my Gourd
For an indoor vegetable garden
Easiest items to grow:
cherry tomatoes, they don’t take as much energy (light and time) to harvest
peppers- I would get a smaller pepper. they have mini bell peppers
peas-will most likely need a trellis to support the little buggers
lettuce-there are two types. one is to grow a head of lettuce, where you harvest the whole head at one time, the other is a pick and pull variety, where you can harvest smaller amounts throughout the plants life cycle, as long as you leave the inner new leaves.
I’m not sure which place you are thinking to grow b/c indoor and outdoor were mentioned. But if your porch has direct sun I would try out there, free light and heat. Put your lettuce in more shade than your tomatoes and peppers and peas.
Indoor, you may need to purchase a grow lamp, has these available for purchase from a local retailer most likely.
I hope that helps a little bit. you can email me with any other questions if you like
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@Glassgothgirl sadly no, it died off some time ago.
Did it ever produce tomatoes?
tomatoes and peas are going to need about 10 hours of sunlight; peas may be hard to control in a covered porch setting and probably wouldn’t be worth your trouble for the yield per plant…lettuce and peppers will get by with less sunlight and are more suitable to what you want to do…but if you can, give the tomatoes a try too, & use a 5 gallon pot for maximum yield on the tomatoes, even though 2 gallons is adequate…
herbs are also easy & popular for kitchen gardens…you can navigate this site, where i buy my seed, for cultivars and instructions: