Quick Video on container garden. We transplanted some better-boy and beefsteak tomato plants that we bought for a steal because it was the end of the growing…

Question by Lita: Broken tomato plant, can it be saved?
Someone just broke off the top of my tomato plant that had five baby tomatoes growing on it. I am so upset- we were looking forward to the fresh tomatoes! Can I still save the tomatoes somehow? Can I put the stem of the broken part in water till they are ripe or is it a lost cause? (I’m obviously new to growing plants) It is, btw, a cherry tomato plant and it has tomatoes the size of a nickle growing but are not red yet – or close to being red.

Best answer:

Answer by denilou69
If the tomatoes were green when this was broken, no you cannot save those particular ones. But you can still have the plant give you tomatoes on the rest of the plant. A tomato plant that has had the leaves trimmed away always will give you juicier better tasting tomatoes.

By the way- green tomatoes are considered a delicacy in some parts of the country, you might want to fry them up in some batter to at least have a chance to eat them!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

More Tomato Plants Articles


  1. great videos. Where did you get those planters? They are very nice. Are
    they made of fiberglass or concrete?

  2. Thanks for watch. I got them at Costco a few years back, and they are made
    of Pumice.

  3. i believe they were 30 dollars each.

  4. roughly how much were they? 200 smackers? each?

  5. I just saw this and it’s probably too late but you could try putting the broken stem into a water/rooting powder solution. The stimulus might be enough to keep the tomatoes going until the fruit could be picked.

  6. sorry cant be done

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