Growing Tomato Plants Week 1-3

Grew tomatoes from seed inside then transplanted outside.
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Question by *FlowerPower*: What are some fruits that can grow in Massachusetts?
I have grown tomatoes last year and want to know fruits or vegetables that can grow in my climate.I have a medium sized back yard and a fairly large vegetable garden.I am buying soil and the vegetable garden is mostly shady around 5:00 but before that it is usually sunny.I need to know what fruits or vegetables I can grow before spring.Thanks in advance.

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Answer by gone
Senator Barnie Frank

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  1. Lots of mechanical stimulation, stroking stimulation? Are we still talking about tomatoes here, buddy? ;)

  2. Yeah it took a while to grow them outside but now they’re massive and blooming

  3. Why plant 4 seeds in one pod? It is such a waste of seed. Also why would you plant them so young? Try raising them indoors for 8 weeks, under lights, while giving them lots of mechanical stimulation.

    Stroke the plants to stimulate wind, point a fan to stimulate wind, shake them etc. All these make the plant grow short and strong. Start seeds 8 weeks before the last frost date and then harden them off for 1 week. Expose them to outdoor climate for 30 mins, 1 hr, 5hrs etc.

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