Heirloom Tomato Pico de Gallo – Easy Summer Side Dishes – Weelicious

Heirloom Tomato Pico de Gallo - Easy Summer Side Dishes - Weelicious

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Question by justicespeaks321: What is the recipe for Louisiana Pan Roast?
One of my favorite foods is served in Kansas City at the “Pearls Oyster Bar and Grill”.

Its like soup, filled with seafood, spices, and rice swimming in it. However it is NOT gumbo! By definition its called “Louisiana Pan Roast” and the few things it mentions in the recipe is…

“tomato broth”
“red pepper”
French Quarter rice
“and other spices”

When I’ve done searches for the ingrediants together I get recipes for a bisque… but as my mother informs me, a bisque is creamy, and a broth is more clear or fluid in texture.

I’ve opted the word “Pan” for “pot” and came up with some different hits… but really nothing dead on.

If anyone can help me out that would be great! Either with suggestions or links.

Best answer:

Answer by white_rain215
1 cup grated Parmesan
1 cup all-purpose flour
6 (4-ounce) blackfish fillets, skin on
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Sea salt
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Silver Queen Corn Pudding, recipe follows
Saute of Crab and Baby Corn, recipe follows
Silver Queen Foam, recipe follows
6 teaspoons Louisiana caviar, for garnish
1 teaspoon minced fresh chives, for garnish
1 teaspoon fresh chive blossoms, for garnish
6 small sprigs fresh dill, for garnish
6 small sprigs fresh chervil, for garnish

In a shallow bowl, combine Parmesan cheese and flour. Lightly score the skin side of the fillets several times to form a cross hatch pattern without cutting into the flesh of the fish. Season the portions of the blackfish with salt and a touch of lemon juice. Dredge the seasoned fish into the Parmesan/flour mixture.

In a large heavy skillet over medium heat, add olive oil. Add fillets, skin side down. Cook until skin is crisp, about 4 minutes. Flip fish and cook until fish is just cooked through, about 2 minutes. Once the fish is cooked, remove it from the pan and place on absorbent towels to rest in a warm place for a moment, while the plate is being composed.

To serve, remove the Silver Queen Corn Pudding from molds and place into large, shallow bowls. Over the warm pudding, place a portion of fish. Over the fish, spoon on the Saute of Crab and Baby Corn. Carefully pour a small ladle of Silver Queen Foam around the fish. With 2 demitasse spoons, form the caviar into quenelle or egg shapes and place over the fish next to the bed of corn and crab. Lightly garnish the fish with chives, chive blossoms, dill and chervil.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Heirlooms add such beautiful color to every dish. Wonderful!

  2. yay I’m so glad! 

  3. Superb!!! my mouth is watering…I made this many times and is a fav…. I just love love ur top…u mind telling where did u get it??

  4. What is the knife that you use? Do you recommend a certain brand? This looks yummy!

  5. Awesome! Thank you for watching!

  6. Aww so sweet!

  7. Oh my gosh us mothers need you to be on food network you’re just great

  8. i told myself (and husband) that from today we are gonna start eating healthier, and nothing better than cooking your recipes!!! we had your fruit and seed bar for breakfast, we are having the vegetarian tortilla for lunxh and will make this with some grilled chicken for dinner :) thanks for your recipes!

  9. Score!!

  10. I made this and my family loved it! Even the pickiest eater, my sister who’s 10. It was done in 5 minutes!!

  11. Yep :)

  12. Healthy salad with out dressing

  13. Yum! 

  14. Sorry about the typos im using my phone lol

  15. My mum always makes these as an ordinary salad, I didnt know tjat it had a proper name but we use olive oil and qe dont put chilli but its always nice. Great videos :)

  16. Aww thanks so much for watching!

  17. You can leave out the chili if you don’t prefer that flavor! That’s the great thing about this recipe, it is totally customizable!

  18. I have white tile as the backdrop to my stove! :)

  19. Thanks! I post a new video almost every Tuesday, and I currently have over 100 on this channel!

  20. cant stop watching your videos.. i love to cook, especially the easy one and you make these easy recipe.. love it!

  21. your awesome
    do you got more food that new

  22. yum


  23. Crazy question… I’m picking tile for my kitchen and went with a white subway, and am wondering what to do as an accent around my pot filler above my cooktop? I notice that we have very similar design taste and I can’t see the rest of your kitchen In your cooking segments. Curious:)

  24. Hi! I never had this dish before so I am wondering would the taste be off if you totally eliminate the chilli? What can be used in place of the chilli that may give similar flavor but no heat? Thank you, you are great!

  25. Wow! I am gonna try to make it tomorrow!!

  26. I am sorry i can’t give you a recipe for that. Never heard of it and I am from Louisiana. I can tell you that I have eaten something that sounds similar but I can’t remember the name of it. Basically you start out by buying a container of seasonings already cut up or you can cut them up yourself. You may just want to cut up one large onion. Sautee that down with about 1/2 a stick of butter. After that gets good and soft you add about 3/4 a can of small tomato sauce. Continue stirring until that is good and dark. About 5 minutes or so. Once that is done you add your water, paprika, basil, oregano, and tony’s cachere’s. If tony’s is not in your state, try a cajun seasoning made from Louisiana if possible. Add all of your raw meat and just cook it for about an hour at least on medium heat. Sorry this is not a recipe. I don’t use recipes normally. I grew up cooking by just watching what was put in the pot. Oh by the way cook your rice seperately, but only add it in your bowl and pour your gravy over it.

  27. Sounds like it may be courtboullion (koo-bee-YAWN), a tomato-based stew made with fish or shrimp or other seafood and served over rice. Googling produces several variations.

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