High Yield Tomato Plants

https://www.youtube.com/user/indiasmilesunlimited tomato plants, pruning tomato plants, how to prune tomato plants, tomato plants wilting, tomatos, growing p…
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Question by Jan: Growing vegetable plants?
I am growing a tomato plant, but was wondering, is fertilizer completely necessary for it? If because of photosynthesis it makes its own food, do you need any fertilizer and can the soil run out of minerals?

Best answer:

Answer by King of Thumbs Down
Not necessary but if you are growing it inside for tomatoes, you are going to need to pollinate the flowers. Plus it needs a lot of light and warmth.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. If the tomato plant has problems it will need nitrogen.
    It will get its food like you said.

  2. Oh yes. Tomatoes are voracious eaters. Photosynthesis doesn’t provide essential minerals crucial to fruiting. The soil will be effectively depleted after a tomato grows in it; and if potted, the plant will need continual sidedressing every few months.

    I have personal issues with tomatoes. They’re very fickle and susceptible to a ridiculous array of pests and diseases and won’t fruit/pollinate if it’s too hot or too cold. To that point, I strongly suggest adding worm castings and corn meal to the soil in which it’s planted. The soil needs to be well draining but still rich in organic material. Good luck.

  3. If you want to grow good and healthy tomato plant, the answer is yes you need to constantly put fertilizer to the soil around the tomato plant. This ensures that the plant are taking and absorbing the necessary nutrient for its natural growth. The main purpose is to keep the stem and leafs to be at their best state of condition. When the plant are in good shape, they will keep growing flowers. The flowers will be pollinated by bees and other pollination agent to keep producing nice and juicy tomato fruits. Basically the tomato plants needs sufficient calcium and nitrogen. Just find your self any fertilizer with these item in it that’s all. Hope this helps.

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