How to make Fried Red Tomatoes with Scallops – Easy Cooking!

How to make Fried Red Tomatoes with Scallops - Easy Cooking!

Chef Kendra shows you how to make Fried Red Tomatoes with Scallops appetizer. A little different from Fried Green Tomatoes, with scallops, bacon, sour cream,…
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Question by gardensallday: Homemade salsa verde (green tomatoes) – does it taste a lot like ripe tomato salsa?
I anticipate having a lot of green tomatoes in my garden at the end of the season.

I printed off a recipe for canning salsa verde, and it’s similar to the one for ripe tomatoes. Will it taste similar to a regular red tomato salsa, or much different? If I eat it raw, will it be similar to my raw salsa where I use red tomatoes?

This recipe asks for green tomatoes, not tomatillos, which I will be harvesting some of those, too.

Best answer:

Answer by rogerrabbitanddoe
no will have a distinct taste as will green tomatoes fried or make chow chow. I believe though salsa verde uses tomatillos

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

RT @dryhumpingnarry: HOuston , Texas, USA #NotABoyBand I WANT IT AS RED AS A TOMATO OKAY – by Amyy148115 (☁amy)

red tomato
Red Tomato
Image by funkypancake

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  1. salsa verde taste much better toast it or saute with little oil until you get’m dark and blen it with the others ingredients

  2. You could take your green tomatoes and force them to ripen by putting them in a paper bag until they ripen. I don’t like green tomatoes much! they taste different than tomatillos by far. Tomatillos are almost citrus like and they are main ingredient in salsa verde. You try to blend together them as suggested. Why not?

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