How to make green tomato chutney

The rotten weather during the spring and summer meant the tomato crop was badly affected. It was late and most tomatoes did not ripen. That ,meant we had lot…
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Question by debodun: Can eating green tomatoes cause really bad acid reflux?
I had fired green tomatoes and green tomato pie for supper last night. I awoke during the night with the WORST case of heartburn I ever had. I could even feel acid in the back of my throat. Liquid antacid did little to relieve it. Only after I arose and ate some bread was it a little better. My stomach still feels a bit queasy this morning.

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Recipe: Green tomato and black pepper cake
If you're like me you may have a few green tomatoes lingering in your garden. You may even grow a green tomato variety like green zebra, grandma olivers or green pineapple – but for most, green tomatoes are an end-of-summer/early-autumn thing; it …


  1. IN my experience (and everyone’s different), what causes acid reflux is fatty foods. Once I started on my healthy eating plan in Feb 2006, I stopped getting heartburn. I used to buy TUMS by the big industrial sized bottle and eat them like candy. I haven’t bought any (for me…) in 2 years. The only time I get heartburn is if I eat rich, fatty food, and sometimes not even then. I believe the culprit in your case is more likely the cooking method than the green tomatoes themselves. Of course, I don’t know anyone who eats UNCOOKED green tomatoes :)

  2. Yes. The foods that trigger acid reflux (heartburn) or the more serious condition called GERD vary from person to person. Fried foods of any sort seem to cause GERD problems in many people.

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