How to Plant and Grow Tomato Seedlings : Introduction to Growing Tomato Seedlings

Get an introduction on how to grow tomato seedlings; get professional tips and advice from an expert on growing your own fruits and vegetables in this free g…
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Question by poetcomic: what are some easy veggies to grow?
I live in the MidAtlantic of the US. In the past, I’ve grown (or tried to grow) tomatoes, green beans, lettuce, radishes, sugar peas. I’ve had mixed success – we seem to have a lot of beetles that kill the beans & peas.

Best answer:

Answer by mafia girl
Have coconut trees and grow bananas and cactus

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

More Growing Tomato Articles


  1. Wow this clip was so helpful!!! Thought me all I needed to know in just 1min 3 sec! Gimme a break…….why bother posting this shit??????

  2. Excellent learning videos!

  3. cucumbers, watermelons, cantalopes. all they need is plenty of water.

  4. Honestly carrots! i planted some a while back, and after one growth of them, taking care of them and all, i forgot about them but they keep growing, and that was like 5 years ago, and i still find like random carrots growing everywhere

    oh yeah and peyote

  5. None.
    Growing anything is such a ****ing fuss!Unless you are a complete veg-grow fan!

  6. i know from experience your problem, ive learned that most vegetables which grow upward, in other words like a vine are best to grow and least suseptable to bugs, although you will always have bugs, walking or flying its best to cover the ground floor with a enviromentaly friendly pesticide just spread it around the base of the plant and cover the vegetables with a thin type of screen, that should work good luck

  7. Don’t grow anything. It looks like you don’t want to, or don’t know how to, observe the plants. All vegetables are susceptible to insects. They all must be watched. There are dozens of safe insecticides available, and most insects are killed by them, leaving the plants safe. Growing vegetables takes work. It is easy labor, but you still must expend a minimum amout of time.

  8. seven dust will get rid of your beetles ! it is in a powdered form.stuff a bunch inside an old pair of pant hose. give it a shake on each plant will cover nicely! now u can grow whatever you want ! to keep beetles and bugs out of sweetcorn, spray the hairs only! every few days,
    if you are watering regularly

  9. Maybe you can find a way to deal with the beetles. I know the easiest veggies in Washington are zucchini. Onions and garlic and marigolds help to avert some critters. Go and peruse your garden center and they should be able to advise you about any specific problems. Take a bug in a baggie and see if they can help you. Peas beans lettuce spinach artichokes are fairly easy.Have Fun!

  10. I can not stop my green onions from growing!

  11. As far as the beetles go if they are the ones that look like lady bugs…. Lady bugs will kill them so that helps.. Lady bugs and earthworms are great for your garden.

  12. squashes are easy to grow too…Tomatoes u can cut into half and plant them and then transplant the seedlings

  13. There’s a dust for that. and there are parisitic wasps

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