How To Ripen a Tomato

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Question by taxicabdriver108: How to make Diced Tomatoes with Green Chilies?
I am an avid Huevos Rancheros fan, and was using Kroger Diced Tomatoes with Mild Green Chilies for the longest time, when Kroger decided to no longer manufacture the product. I have tried other brands of Diced Tomatoes and Green Chilies and just do not like them. So I would like to know if someone out there can give me a recipe on how to make my own Diced Tomatoes with Mild Green Chilies. This would be greatly appreciated as Huevos Rancheros is surely missed. Thank you for taking the time to read this question, and I hope to get some really good answers soon.

Best answer:

Answer by jennannej
You can buy diced green chilies separate, in their own can, and choose whichever diced tomatoes you like best. That’s what I do when I don’t have the combined can.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. you should watch hit it with a banana then

  2. You made such a mess boy!!

  3. uh.. dice some tomatos… cut up some green chiles… mix em up… put a lil salt… cook ur egg… and put em on top.. or u can put some tomatillos(lil green tomato looking thing) to boil,,, them put em in the blender… lil salt… and pour em over…

  4. had a hispanic lady for a neighbor before and i remember seeing her take the whole tomatoes and putting them over a stove top burner to cook the skin enough to peal it off and then dice it. same as the peppers.

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