How to slice a tomato

How to slice a tomato How to slice a tomato Sliced ripe tomatoes – the perfect accompaniment for burgers, sandwiches and salads. …

Question by SKyLaR: How to prepare the salad ingredients?
I am not sure how to prepare salad ingredients, if I bought some vegetables from the supermarket, what do i do to the vegetables? can i just put them into the fridge without wrapping paper? And if i feel like taking them out to make some salad, shall i wash all the vegetables just with running tap water or should i soak them in the water for a 15 mins?? Or are there any more procedure to take note of?
Im preparing salad with ingredients like, 1 cup of spinach and romaine leaves, broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, green and red peppers,
I bought the vegetables(randomly pick) and then when i came back home I just feel sad because I doesnt even know what to do the ingredients..

Best answer:

Answer by depps_lover
It’s really not that difficult. Just wash them, cut them up and make a salad. Store what you dont use in containers to use for later.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

More Tomato Salad Articles


  1. Wow that blade is SHARP

  2. That is awesome! So glad that we could help out! 😉

  3. I’ve always had trouble cutting tomatoes! As a little girl my mom always asked me to and I would end up with a mess! This helped! I never thought of doing this! Much easier :).

  4. I use my teeth to bite slices off the tomato

  5. You don’t need 2 knives, just hold the utility knife as you would have held the paring knife. Or just use the paring knife the whole time. You can do this with virtually any knife…

  6. lol. :) Sharpen your knife and hone it before each use.

  7. We are so sorry that this was not what you were looking for. However, it is more difficult to cut a whole tomato. The challenge is trying to make all the slices straight and even. Cutting it in half 1st really makes it more manageable. We really do hope you can give it a try and see what you think. Thanks for watching and for taking the time to comment. We appreciate hearing from our viewers!  😉

  8. easy – but we need two knives :(

  9. This was a good video, but it didn’t show me how to slice WHOLE slices. When I was searching for tomato slicing videos. The screenshot for this video shows tomatoes sliced without cutting it in half. I tried looking for a video that shows whole slices but there isn’t anything good out there. Will try it this way but I was wanting to use these tomatoes for sandwiches and I fear that half-slices may make the sandwich messier to eat and have to deal with bits of tomato falling out of the sandwich.

  10. Thanks for watching! 😉

  11. TnxX

  12. i would like to purchase his knife for 45672 dollars

  13. Yes it is! Sometime it just takes us visual learners seeing someone in action to see just how easy it is to do something. :)

  14. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW thats so simple!

  15. watch?v=eDmZEyKlF0I&feature=related
    Here is it, Enjoy! xD

  16. Glad to help out! 😉

  17. wow thanks i am using my kitchinf more now.

  18. That is great! 😉

  19. Sooo amazing, Im gonna start using my kitchen more often. Lol

  20. GREAT! Thanks for watching! 😉

  21. Wow perfecto thanks lol

  22. Thanks for watching and taking the tine to comment! :)

  23. Thanks! :)

  24. That is it… I am Subbing! These vids are so simple, but damn! Does this guy impress me!!

  25. Well, I never knew tomatos had a core. Wish I had a closer look at the paring knife. I don’t think I have one.

  26. are you SERIOUS?

    8 Servings

    2 cups cabbage (shredded)
    2 Medium Apples (Cored, diced)
    1 can (16 ounces) crushed pineapple (drained)
    ¾ cup fat free mayonnaise

    Combine above ingredients, cover and refrigerate 1 hour or more before serving.

    Per serving:
    Total Fat————0.22 g
    Saturated Fat——-0.03 g
    Sodium———–288.7 mg


    2/3 cup mayonnaise
    2 tablespoons sugar
    6 medium bananas
    1 1/3 cup peanuts (finely chopped)

    Add sugar to mayonnaise and mix well. Roll the bananas in mayonnaise mixture. Roll the bananas in the nuts. Slice and serve on a crisp bed of lettuce.


    1 Jar (26 ounces) Grapefruit sections (drained)
    2 Ripe avocados (peeled, sliced)
    ½ cup red onion (thinly sliced)
    Prepared Poppy Seed Dressing

    Combine grapefruit, avocados, and onions. Serve with dressing on a bed of lettuce.

    Makes 6 Servings

    1 bunch fresh broccoli spears
    2 ounces feta cheese
    ½ head lettuce (torn in bite-sized pieces)
    ½ cup Fat Free Salad Dressing

    Combine above ingredients and serve.

    Per serving:
    Total Fat————–2.29g
    Saturated Fat———1.45g

    Makes 8 servings

    ¼ cup wine vinegar
    1 teaspoon sugar
    1 can (16 ounces) sliced beets (undrained)
    ½ onion (sliced in rings)

    Combine above ingredients and marinate at room temperature at least 30 minutes before serving. Stir every 10 minutes.

    Per serving:
    Total Fat————-0.10g
    Saturated Fat——–0.02g

  28. Let me start with, I don’t know what kind of salad you are going for, but i’m going to assume some of the basic, salad bar type ingredients and only vegetables.

    Lettuce: Keep in a whole head until ready to use. Lightly chop, do not use too much force or you’ll bruise the lettuce, which makes it wilt quicker.
    Tomatoes: Keep whole until ready to use. Wash the outside in cool water, and cut into 8ths.
    Cucumbers: Keep whole until ready to use. Wash the outside in cool water. Cut down the middle and rub the two halves together, and then rinse the build up … this is called the ‘bitter’ and does help with the taste of the cucumber. You can leave the skin on or off, that doesn’t matter, it’s just your personal taste. And then cut in disk shape. Store the reminder in a bowl with water in the fridge.
    Carrots: Just buy the pre cut and cleaned kind.

  29. Veggies are funny things, some need more attention to detail than others but for the most part, you can just loosely wrap them in plastic and keep them refrigerated in the veggie section of your fridge.

    You should be more specific of what you are using but heres a few tips on washing.

    For all my veggies, I agitate them in water for a min and let them float there for a little bit to let the dirt settle to the bottom. I carefully take them out of the water so I do not disturb the dirt at the bottom and dry immediately. For leafy veggies I suggest separating the leaves and using a salad spinner to dry.

    Hope this helps a little. Message more specific questions so we can help you.

  30. You should buy the ‘best looking’ veggies that you can find … and most stores carry good ‘salad greens’ that are already washed in sealed plastic bags. Try ‘spring greens’ or ‘baby greens’ or ‘baby spinach’ … they’re all REALLY TASTY and easy, because you don’t have to ‘do anything’ special … just cut them open and take out what you need, then SEAL the bag (use a ‘gripper’ of some sort) and put it back into the fridge. Then you need ‘the rest of the salad’ …
    Tomatoes can be stored with ‘no wrapping’ in the drawer of the fridge … and you should ‘rinse them off’ under the tap before cutting them. Cucumber should also be stored with no wrapping … but if you don’t use a whole one, then it will need to be ‘covered’ at least on the ‘cut end’ (use a rubber band and a piece of wax paper or plastic wrap). Rinse the cucumber under running water, too, before cutting. Carrots should be stored ‘wrapped’ … you can buy the ‘baby carrots’ in plastic bags and they are already peeled, or you can buy them ‘whole’ and peel them yourself … use a ‘paring knife’ and ‘drag it away from yourself’ with the blade toward you and the ‘wide side’ away from you, or use a ‘potato peeler’ then rinse it in running water and ‘grate’ or slice it. DO NOT SOAK your veggies … and always rinse in COLD water only. If there is ‘dirt’ that you can see, then you may ‘wipe it off’ with a clean paper towel and rinse it again. If you want to buy ‘head lettuce’ you should take the leaves you want to use off the head and put them into a colander (drainer) and rinse them in cold water before you TEAR them up. Don’t ‘cut’ the lettuce or it will ‘bruise’ and won’t taste as good.

    My husband (he was a chef for 15 years) makes the BEST salads in the world for me … he uses ‘baby greens,’ cut tomoatoes and cucumber, sliced yellow onions, and adds some cheese … we use feta, gorgonzola, cheddar, parmesan, and even a ‘roll’ made of mozarella, prosciutto, and basil. Sometimes he adds some cut up chicken breast. He likes ‘creamy’ dressings, but I prefer a good ‘balsamic vinaigrette.’ Get the ‘creamy’ from the ‘refrigerated’ ones, but the ‘balsamic’ and non-creamy ones can be either refrigerated or on the shelf … but ALWAYS put them into the fridge after they’ve been opened. ENJOY!

  31. Generally speaking you should probably okay with leaving the veggies in the fridge in the plastic bags for a couple of days or so. When you’re ready to use them (or in a couple of days after you buy them) take the broccoli and the romaine leaves and soak them in water for 2-4 minutes. Agitate the greens a couple of times then let sit for 1-2 more minutes to let the dirt settle. Gently remove the greens, try not to disturb the dirt ont he bottom of the water, and dry. For the carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, and beets wash them under running water and pat dry before cutting them up.

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