How to Transplant Your Seedlings

In this video, I demonstrate how to transplant your tomato seedlings from the Egg-Carton Greenhouse to a larger container. I also give a little overview of t…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Question by happydawg: How many hours of sunshine a day does a tomato plant need?
I planted a dinky little garden and thought I was doing well until I realized yesterday at about 4 pm, the sun goes down under a tree and leaves my tomato plants in the shade.
Should I dig another garden spot somewhere else?

Best answer:

Answer by Bin There
Five hours is enough. More is nice but not necessary. I used to create partial shade for my tomatoes in Arizona hot sun.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Tips on separating multiple growths that are together (I always loose them
    at that stage)?

  2. Should i keep my seedling moist all the time?

  3. Love your videos! my tomatos are growing in a small pot right now and i
    have about 4 or 5 little seedlings growing. eventually will i have to
    seperate them all into indivisual pots? Thanks! sub!

  4. IF your little guy is getting full sun from sun up to 4 pm, you’ll be fine. While I’d like to see 12 hours, you are close. Another benefit, if you live in a hot climate, that afternoon shade will be a blessing. If you live in a cool climate…….well, that might be a problem. How about planting another tomato in that other spot just to cover the bases?

  5. Fluffernut’s answer is correct. If it is in the sun all day until 4 pm, that is just about perfect, and is getting shade during the hottest part of the day.

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