Indoor aquaponics system growing organic tomatoes and peppers

This is my indoor aquaponics system I have tomatoes and peppers growing Currently. This video was shot at or around the 3-4 month mark for these plants. The …
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Question by Grady Phillips: how do you grow a tomato plant in the topsy turby?
im trying to grow tomatoes but they wont sprout. It’s been there over 2 monthes and the plant is getting pretty big but … u guessed it no tomatoes! what can i do or what do i do please help

Best answer:

Answer by dejay a
you need yo give them some time to actually get growing, if the plant has sprouted then justwait and you will get some tomatoes!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Related Growing Tomato Articles


  1. Also this was a question when i was a noob, sorry if it offended anyone…

  2. No you can not

  3. if you eat the plants and fish can you be given samonala poisoning or other
    diseases from the fish.

  4. If you mean salmonella its a possibility but fish are less likely to carry
    as they are cold blooded and generally live in a cool environments. Also
    for salmonella poisoning to occur in this system the fish would first have
    to be infected, then the water splash onto the fruit, and then me not wash
    it before eating it.

  5. I don’t know. Mt step-dad has two of them and they keep dying.

  6. haha, my parents fell for that too and they bought it, i mean, the commercials looked so convincing! but it never worked. :(
    welcome to the club.

  7. man, don’t tell me that, I’ve got two plants in my backyard, trying this upside down thing.

    I seem to remember something in the instruction manual that said something about when to fertilize what to use since some things will cause plant growth, but no fruit, versus ones that lead to actual fruiting and blooming. check out the section in the FAQ area, I remember it to be there.

  8. A little confusing since you say they didn’t sprout but the plant is getting pretty big. Did you mean they haven’t bloomed?

    Your plant may not be old enough to bear fruit. Each type of tomato has it’s own growing / fruiting season. Some early, some mid-season, some late fall.

    I make my own hanging upside Tomato out of 12 inch pots. I then plant a pepper in the top to grow up. They grow fine if you mix a couple of tablespoons of Zeba water absorbent crystals into the soil to hold the water for the plant roots. Without the crystals, you will need to water two or three times a day.

    Fertilize once a week because water disolves nitrogen and it washes out of the soil when the excess water drains out. A sign of not enough fertilizer is yellow leaves. The leaves should be dark green.

    I found, Early Girl and Cherry Tomato’s grow best in the upside down hanging container.

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