It’s Easy Being Green – Canning Homemade Tomato Sauce

If you’ve ever been curious about how to can your own homemade tomato sauce, I’ll show you just how easy it can be. It does take some time but the results wi…
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Question by michael c: What to do with at least 25 green tomatoes?
I’m in Ohio, it’s getting down in the 40’s at night now, and I still have at least 25 tomatoes on my plants that have been there for weeks and just won’t turn – any suggestions?

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Answer by ♥☺hapichik192☺♥

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  1. Very nice video

  2. Where’s the link you talked about ? To ripening tomatoes in your home?

  3. make fried green tomatoes!! yummy!!

    since you live in the north, try something from tha south! 😛

  4. Invite some people over and make fried green tomatoes.

  5. fry them and eat with ranch yummy

  6. Also from Ohio. Fried green tomatoes would also be my first choice. Also you can set some inside by sunlight and hope for ripening. Another “interesting” fact – when i used to work on the farm nothing cleaned dirty hands better than green tomato juice :)

  7. Wait a while and see. If they don’t , I suggest you make them into a sauce by putting them into the blender, add herbs and a little salt and store in a couple of bottles in the fridge and use in some of your recipes.

  8. If they are not dark green they are mature and will turn red if you bring them indoors and put them on the kitchen windowsill.

    If they are dark green they will never ripen. Try breading them like a cutlet and frying them (the Biloxi Beau Rivage Casino’s version of Fried Green Tomatoes) or get pickling spices and leave them under the brine in a crock for a few weeks until they get pickled. You could also try making them into chutney as a side dish for bland foods.

  9. Bring them in the house in paper bags.

    They will ripen. Cool dark place. I had this happen one year and
    I had 5 grocery sacks full.

    It Work’s.

  10. Pickle em’. Tastes preaty nice.

  11. Fry them

  12. Pickled green tomatoes. Yummm. Use any dill pickle recipe.

  13. pick the tomatoes, put them in a paper bag in a dark cupboard to ripen. some people say to wrap them in newspaper but i don’t. DO NOT wash them until they ripen. then enjoy. i have grown tomatoes in northern b.c. for years

  14. Fry them!!! or make chow chow!!

  15. You can take your green tomatoes and wrap them in newspaper and put in a cool dark place like a basement and check them weekly. You will have ripe tomatoes in the winter time this way, when nobody else does!

  16. Fry some of them, put some in brown paper bags and ripen, and
    pickle the rest in bread and butter style. The latter is my personal preference.

  17. ,Invite me and my wife over and well have fried green tomato sandwiches! I just fry them in flower with salt and pepper put them on some bread with some Mao, yummy.I have also taken them off the vine and placed them on the window seal for a couple of days and they ripened up a little.

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