Most Successful Vegetable Garden in Las Vegas Desert Yields 600 lbs of Tomatoes a Day

John from goes on a field trip to The Tomato Ladies House to show you how she is able to grow tomatoes in the desert and ha…

Question by LeeAnn: Is it illegal to purchase/own a growing light?
My family has a garden and grows vegetables, and we’ve decided to grow tomatoes in the house during the winter. My question is: Is it illegal to own a growing light in the state of Ohio? I know people use them a lot to grow marijuana, so I wondered if they were considered drug paraphernalia under Ohio law. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Drixnot
They are perfectly legal.

Order from Home Depot for $ 50

If you read the reviews one person bought this light to be used as a lamp … this is a GROW light.

* actually the new fangled light bulbs also work pretty well for grow lights, I grew a tomato plant in my living room with one last winter.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. ThatI’mGonnaBeAbleToGiveYouGuys. John should look at a rapping deal !

  2. I hope she wore that microphone during it.

  3. This may be close to Yuma desert climate.

  4. “and that’s what my girlfriend used to say about me too”

  5. John your shouting and raising your voice too much, its actually putting
    off people from listening to you. Settle down a bit buddy. Your voice gets
    a bit screechy and high pitched man

  6. O.O 600 pounds of tomatoes?!?!?!

  7. If you don’t have 40 minutes, watch the last ten… 31:55 :)

  8. who writes a book for growing in the mid atlantic states. that’s the book i

  9. You always say be careful what you eat.. It was common info that she used a
    “Bio Slug” in her special compost fertilizer.. I dont’ think I want to eat
    a tomato with some one else’s hormone treatments.. do you?? I may be wrong,
    this info hit the fan a few years back, so maybe she’s using a different
    mix now a days.. I would be sure to ask before I eat from her garden..

  10. I have to tell you, John, thanks so much for the info about cherry
    tomatoes. My husband planted normal large tomatoes and they have only had
    one or two tomatoes so far. My cherry tomatoes have fresh tomatoes
    everyday. I can’t get over it. I pick about 10 to 20 of them everyday. So
    many we can’t eat them all everyday. Also mine is about 6 feet tall.

  11. Wal-THAM

  12. Wood chips are a great resource. I would start piling them up and letting
    them compost down to build your soil. I also agree with the no till methods.

  13. Hi Mr”O So Large”… j/k this is a great video. I would never think to
    water 9 times a day. I live in Glendora, CA What’s good to start here? I
    just started brandy wine seeds in doors and lemon cucumbers, and a peruvian
    pepper. All seed. What do you think ?

  14. if he didn’t you wouldn’t hear him , then you would be complaining about
    that , or you could buy him a cordless mic system so you can have nothing
    to bitch about

  15. Hello John l live in vegas in this video you said its not a good idea to
    trellis your tomatoes in vegas, last year no problem i used the single stem
    method with no problems, which i did this year and yes it cooked them well
    done so you live and learn guess i got lucky the first time so are you
    saying just cage them and dont take the suckers off let it grow example
    using hawaiin tropics

  16. Haha! Loved the ending! You two are fun together. :-) I hope for all good
    things for you John, you seem like a great man. :-)

  17. Does she have problems with chemtrail spraying there in Las Vegas?

  18. beside my last comment…I wanted to know how to “better” grow TOMATOES
    here….what BULLSHIT!

  19. Hey scheivert532, I have a good read for you. Buy or check out of your
    library, the book “Four Season Harvest” by Eliot Coleman. He lives in Maine
    (zone 5) and successfully harvests vegetables year-round. I think you will
    enjoy the book. I did. He also wrote “The New Organic Grower”. I haven’t
    read it yet, but I am sure it is a good book also. His wife is also an
    author on gardening.

  20. Ok I gotta admit I’m extremely impressed. Wow! :)

  21. “Is that an eggplant in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

  22. John, among your ‘field trips’ and interviews, I’d enjoy seeing a video of
    you interviewing Dave Wilson at his home orchard. He has a web page on
    Backyard orchard culture. His message is that the information which is most
    available to us comes from the agricultural extension service and is
    targeted to help commercial growers. He shows an entirely different
    approach… much overdue IMO!!! Here davewilson . com/homegrown/ BOC
    _explained. dothtml (remove spaces & dot)

  23. First you talk about her “big bush” then you talk about how “big” you are
    and then you tell leslie “this is going in” WOW, you are having entirely
    too much fun with leslie!

  24. I love that. I`m a gardener too! I remember someone said they had a
    PHD…their post hole digger. :)

  25. Why are you talking about that woman’s bush? Pervert! LOL

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