Our Attempt to Sell Tomato Plants

This is a funny video about people selling tomato plants! Watch the video to find out if they’re successful or not!

Question by marcus gish: What is this bug / parasite found on tomato plants?
Small black parasite or bug found on our tomato plants. It looks like a miniature suction cup or clear contact lens with antenna, and a black “skull and crossbones” pattern on it’s back. Have not been able to find anything similar online.

See link below for picture of the pest:


Best answer:

Answer by geoff
Its an aphid. Lady birds eat them.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. I agree with Zach that’s a horrible price and especially in this economy
    not everyone can afford 5 dollar TOMATO PLANTS

  2. you suck

  3. $5 each! What a gip.

  4. Make up fliers and pass them around the neighborhood advertising your
    plants. Customers want healthy looking plants at a fair price. $5.00 for
    what you are offering is to much. Also you will not attract customer
    jumping around and screaming if you want to make money then conduct
    yourself in a mature manner. I have another suggestion for you. Hand car
    wash, you can charge $5.00 per wash and if you do good you may get tips as

  5. @mirabilo I agree…. Im selling my pinto beans for $1… cuz there in soda
    and soup cans….. x)

  6. Five bucks! Such a rip off, I could go to lowes and get a better tomato
    plant for two dollars off of what you’re selling them for!

  7. Clavate Tortoise Beetle not an aphid.

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