Paint the Town Red with Tomatoes

CHAN: Tomato throwers painted one Spanish town red for an annual tomatina festival. In the end the whole town and everyone in it looks to be covered in tomat…
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Question by Lucille N: My grandmother had cherry tomato plants that came back automatically every year. Where can I get this plant?
These were grown in the south with bright red cherry tomatoes that were very sweet. Can they grow in Northern Illinois and can the plant be purchased locally?

Best answer:

Answer by Bug D
Aha! Your grandmother lived in the south. Here’s the scoop.

Tomatoes are annual plants. That means that they go from seed to plant to fruit and back to seed in one season. In your grandmother’s case, a few of the tomatoes fell off the plant, probably at the end of the summer, and spent the winter decaying on the ground under the plant. Seeds are pretty hearty things and because it didn’t get “Chicago Cold” there, they simply sprouted the next spring and started the cycle over again.

Mystery solved…Great question!!

Bug Doc

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Purple Beans and Red Tomatoes
Red Tomato
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Purple Beans and Red Tomatoes


  1. Go to a green house they sell the plants there or you could buy packets but to start seeds now it’s too late . I f you buy tomatoes at the store to eat ,save the seeds inside a paper towel and use them to start plants with.

  2. the original plant did not come back-it was the seeds from the tomato -any store sells cherry tomatoes

  3. It was the warmth in the south. I live in very warm Spain and have cherry tomatoes sprouting everywhere- my kids pick them, eat some, and throw some at each other- thus sprouting up everywhere!

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