Parsley Peas and Tomatoes Companion Planting

Parsley Peas and Tomatoes Companion Planting Watch the video as Marty from the Potted Vegetable Garden explains about the…

Question by : how do I grow vegetables in containers?
I dont have any ground for a ground garden so I thought of growing things in containers. I want to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. How would I do this. what size containers would I need and what kind of containers? Can I grow the cucumbers and zucchini from seeds or do I need plants? where would I get this stuff?

Best answer:

Answer by Bill Rambo
Containers come in all different sizes and lucky for you, so do vegetables.You will need to make sure the container is at least 12 inches deep for plants that have deep roots, such as: Tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. Beans and cucumbers will only need soil that is about 10 inches and lettuce needs only about 6 to 7 inches of soil to grow. You also have to take into consideration how far plants need to be planted apart from each other if you are going to plant more than one plant in each container.

things you’ll need:
seeds and/or plants
top soil
potting or garden soil

1) The first thing you want to do is clean your container. Depending on what kind of container you are you using, you could just clean it with a little soap and water. If the container is really dirty you will want to clean it with soap, water and about a teaspoon of bleach. Make sure you rinse it well.

2). The next step is to give your container some drainage holes. This will keep your plants from getting root rot because the water has no place to drain and the roots end up sitting in the water, which causes rot.The easiest way to do this is with a drill. You will want to make sure you are drilling holes all over the bottom of the bucket.

3). Now you need to fill the bottom inch or so of the bucket with gravel. This is another drainage tool for the water. I know some people like to use larger rocks, but I like using gravel, it helps keep the weight of the container even and not too heavy for me to move them around if I need to.

4). The next step is to fill your bucket about half full with top soil. Some nurseries will have top soil that you can purchase. If you don’t need very much and you know a local farmer, you might be able to get top soil from them.

5). You will now want to put some potting soil over your top soil. I like to use Miracle Gro Garden Soil. It will help feed your plants for about 3 months, which will give them a great start.

6). Mixing the potting soil and top soil Once you have your top soil and potting soil in your bucket you will want to mix the two up. This will help balance out the soil so that when the roots start to grow downward, they are getting a mix of soil. You don’t want the roots to get use to the potting soil and then all of a sudden reach the top soil and go into shock.

7). Once you have the top soil and the potting soil mixed, you will want to:
a. Plant your seeds per the package direction
b. Dig a hole for your plant to go into. Make sure you follow the directions on the plant tag as to how deep the plant needs to go. You will also want to ‘tear’ the root ball. This will allow the roots to grow downward and not keep growing into a circle. This will make for a healthier plant.

8). The last steps is to water your plants and to place them where they need to go (in a sunny or shaded area). You will want to keep a check on the plant to see when they need watering. Containers will need watering more than a plant in the ground because it has a smaller area of dirt. Stick your pointer finger into the dirt up to the second knuckle (where your finger bends the most)…if you still feel moist soil, then you don’t need to water yet.

What do you think? Answer below!

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  1. sorry didnt mean to reply to ya. was talking about the history tab at 2:23

  2. Be the first to leave some comments below about the video above. I would love to hear what you have to say!

  3. “Vegetables”, eh?

  4. Ok, i have my garden that has only containers! So i will help you.

    First thing to buy: Seed starting kit ($ 5), cucumber, tomato, zucchini seeds(1-2$ each), and bigger pots(plastic pots 12″ across around 3-6$ each).

    You can buy seeds or plants. Seeds are MUCH cheaper than buying the plant, but are harder to take care of through the seedling stage part. I grow all my stuff from seeds so it’s up to you. :)

    I would but plastic pots since they are much cheaper than any other types.

    I buy all my gardening stuff at home depot :)

    P.S buy potting soil NOT garden soil. good luck with your garden!!

  5. go to the home depot
    severely question the person in charge of the plants who… is knowledgeable

    he will give you the absolute correct things for you needs

  6. It would help if we knew where you are and how long your growing season is. In some parts of the country, it’s a little late to start from seed. You can pretty much grow anything in containers as long as the containers are large enough. You can grow from seed or buy plants..that’s up to you. Anyplace that has a garden center will have what you need. If you are wanting to grow garden variety veggies like you mentioned, you would need at LEAST a 5 gallon container per plant. I suggest googling “growing vegetables in containers”

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