mike and will prepare a delicious and healthy warm cherry tomato salad. this quick and easy dish looks as good as it tastes. enjoy.
Question by Liza2: Nightshades are flowering but not producing (much) fruit?
I have a cherry tomato plant that produces tomatoes like crazy :).
But I also have a large tomato plant and an eggplant plant that produce plenty of flowers but very few fruits. I did plant these plants later and though they are huge and healthy I’m wondering if they lack pollination since I’ve seen far fewer bees outside now that it’s been very hot.
Or do you think there could be another problem? Not enough food? Not enough water? Etc?
Ideas? Tips? Advice?
Best answer:
Answer by emmann3354
Get a q-tip and tickle your blossoms. Save it for the next day. Get in the habit of doing this and you will have some fruit despite all other variables.
Give your answer to this question below!
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