Planting From Seeds : How to Save Tomato Seeds

Saving tomato seeds involves squeezing out a tomato, removing any green seeds and allowing the brown seeds to ferment for three to five days. Dry out ferment…
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Question by Christi G: How deep of a pot should I use for a tomato plant?
I am going to be planting some tomato plants in pots this year, how deep should the pots be?

Best answer:

Answer by wheelieman
i use 12ins pots for my toms, so they may be 12ins deep
and i stand in a round tray and water into tray

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. Whats the reason for fermenting the seeds?

  2. Use at least 12″ deep pots. You may also want to install the stake while you are planting them. This prevents damaging the roots later.

  3. I plant mine in 5gal buckets with drain holes drilled in them. They drain good. The roots go all through the dirt but don’t get root-bound. I have tasty tomatoes without weeding and I can still move the container for more or less sun. Good luck with yours!

  4. I use five gallon buckets for my tomato, pepper and cukes

  5. I have tried 12″ posts and 5 gallon pails. The pails work a lot better for the bigger tomato varieties. You may also want to look into a self watering container. It will help prevent cracking and blossom end rot because the soil won’t dry out.

    I’m testing this container out this year but you can probably find something at your hardware store.,51603

    Good luck!

  6. the bigger the better…ive used old wooden bushel baskets, but usually just field grow with 12 sq ft per plant…

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