Believe it or not, tomatoes are a fruit and not a vegetable even though most of us believe that the…
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Question by Stephen M: Will my tomatoes ripen or should I be looking for chutney recipes?
I started my tomatoes from seed on a whim. I started them a little late. I had plenty of tomatoes by mid-August but they are all still green. What is the chance they will ripen. I am situated in Hertfordshire, England.
Best answer:
Answer by Sbongiseni
From determinate and indeterminate tomato cultivars they all ripe but in different times after planting. determinate takes only 85 days and ripe while indeterminate takes about 110 days to ripe.
They will ripe in time regarding the climate is favorable.
What do you think? Answer below!
If they are not ripe by the time the first frost sets in, pick them from the vine when they are fully mature. They are mature when they turn a “light” green color. You should store them in a paper bag in a cool dark place and they will ripen in the dark. If you want to speed up the ripening process, put a ripe tomato in the bag with the green ones.
This should be of help to you with more advice on that.