Red Cherry Hybrid tomato plant.

Red Cherry Hybrid tomato plant.

Just my first video, chatting about my oldest tomato plant in the gardens. Still learning to be comfortable speaking and eventually being on video.

Question by Normand V: how long will it take for my tomatoes to ripen?
they are fully developed but just wont turn red, and they are supposed to.

Best answer:

Answer by kouklalynn
I live in Utah and planted mine Memorial Day weekend. They are just now starting to ripen, so I would say anytime now. And once they come they will come all at once.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. it depends on what kind you are growing.

  2. If they are fully developped, cut them off leaving a bit of stem attached and place them in a warm spot in your window. Should take less than a week for them to turn. Better to take them off early anyway (before the birds see red and pick on them)

    The ripening on the plant pretty much depends on the climate you live in. Cooler climates require more time

  3. Varies with location and weather.

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