Red Tomato splat ball

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Question by scarlett: Why does my cat’s nose gets red when he goes outside?
He is an indoor cat, but he loves to go outside. When he comes back into the house he looks like Raggedy Andy! His nose gets as red as a tomato. I don’t think this could be bad, but i’d like to know why this happens.
It’s never cold in Guam! Even though we are in the rainy season. These are the coolest months of the year in this island…but, again, not cold!

Best answer:

Answer by fishgirl
His nose gets red for the same reason yours does

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  1. I’ve found that my cats nose changes to different shades depending on the temperature. although if your cat has a white nose I would recommend using sunscreen that you can get for cats and dogs from your vet or pet store. It may be that him nose is very sensitive to the sun.

  2. Because it’s cold. Keep him inside where he’s safe and warm. He might “love” to go outside but will you “love” it when he turns up dead?

  3. Our cat has a pink nose that is sometimes very pale. I’ve noticed that when she’s been running around with our other cat, or when she’s hot, her nose is a brighter pink. When she’s resting or it’s cooler weather, her nose is pale. It may well have something to do with blood flow, pretty much in the same way that people get red in the face when they’re feeling hot or after excercise.

    If your cat is white, then make sure that you put a high factor sunblock on his ears and nose, because cats can develop skin cancer from spending too much time under the sun.

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