Repotting tomato plants when growing tomatoes from seeds.wmv

Repot sprouted tomatoes. See how to repot plants when growing tomatoes from seeds.

Question by Nathan H: Are hydroponically grown vegetables superior to typically grown ones?
I was looking through a friend’s issue of “High Times”. Amidst the wealth of juvenile bullshit in the magazine, I saw they were advertising hydroponic growing chambers. Obviously these are intended for marijuana cultivation, but the skanky girls in the ads were holding tomatoes! Nothing tastes better than an organically grown, untouched tomato. Can you actually grow tomatoes and other vegetables in those things? Are they good? Is it difficult?

Best answer:

Answer by bilberrybrian
You could grow plants like peppers, tomatoes and so forth but it would be expensive with the systems you are describing because of high initial costs. During winters past I have grown cherry tomatoes inside wooden boxes and under lights and they were awesome, far better than anything available at a grocery store. My other plants including citrus trees, pineapple and hibiscus also did very well. The largest problem besides the high cost and limited space is fighting pests like spider mites. What you are describing is known within the professional community as controlled environment agriculture. University of Arizona does research with this and they have a nice photo gallery of their work and more information:

Another question possibly relevant to yours:;_ylt=AuilwhnkQJumKr64JneeHZAjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20081030105720AAlSeHi

If you are wondering whether or not you can grow your own great tasting peppers, lettuce, tomatoes and so forth during the winter the answer is yes. Although it’s a hobby like golfing, kind of expensive to first get started but after that it’s not too bad.

Hope this helps. If you would like more information about this specifically feel free to ask.

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  1. did you grow your seedlings under grow lights?

  2. Hey what are some good types of tomatoe plants to grow in a 9b region?

  3. My friends dad grew tons of stuff in those type devices, and the result was always tasty. In season you cant beat organic anything but out of season hydroponics can be a real delight to the taste buds. Side by side both tomatoes look comparable to the point of very subtle differences if any.

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