Rooting Tomato Suckers / Clones : A Clever Method

This is a cool way to guarantee the success of a tomato clone or sucker. Its very simple to do, almost fool proof. Even I could do it ! I got the idea from a…

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  1. This is extremely smart. Thanks for sharing!

  2. hi i am a tomato cultivator from greece. I tried to root tomato cuttings in water with hormone but nothing happened.. I will try your method, i just add soil, or i must take away the skin and and the leaves and add some hormone in place before adding the soil? thanks a lot

  3. I think so, but I’ve never tried it.

  4. you call the method “air layering” and you should also remove the outer layer of skin from the plant where you add the soil……just google air layering containers.. been around for ever… some ppl just bend a branch down to the ground and bury it…works just as well..
    better when you think you don’t have to make up anything……cheers

  5. Can this work with determinate tomatoes s

  6. That’s genius.

  7. you have some great tips, i think this would work with the little plastic cups i have, shouldnt even need cotton balls, after i split the cups i should be able to just cut a little space in the bottoms for the stem then tape up the seam and fill em…

  8. Jason, we obviously have some differences in terms of faith, or lack thereof. And I’m pretty certain that it’s not the only difference between us. That being said, I guess we’ll just agree to disagree and carry on.

  9. You are a good gardener.I like your skills. Thats not God growing your garden its you.Even if you give him the middle finger every day your plants would be the same.Its not him its you that can grow. You try it put a label next to differant plants in differant places in your grow house saying I hate GOD and see if it makes any differance.It wont make tiddly.Thanks for your skills in growing you are a good gardener and I am very happy to see what you..NOT GOD..can do ..Thanks again YOU

  10. Thanks April, I’m glad they’ve been helpful.

  11. Thank you for taking the time to post all of your videos as a new gardener they are VERY helpful!! Thank you! I have learned more from watching a few of your videos than I have from hundreds of others over the last few months!

  12. Thanks. Yes mam, with gardening, you never know what is coming next. Something new is always showing up.

  13. That was so cool. There is never a dull moment in gardening.

  14. Good idea. I bet if you use a little RootTone on the stubs where you cut the “branches” off, I bet it will facilitate root development and make it root a little quicker.

  15. I don’t have any experience with trees. But with “air layering”, a lot of trees are propogated. So I reckon it’s possible.

  16. hi bobby, long time no comment. i was wondering if this method could work with other plants such as japanese maples etc? i would love to hear your thoughts.

  17. Sounds like an interesting experiment !

  18. I wonder if you added a bunch of those bottles to every sucker on a plant if you could get even more fruit? I guess ultimately the roots would support the sucker and it would utilize some nutrients from the mother plant also, who knows which way would produce more fruit. Another idea is to single stem a plant and put tons of bottles with soil on the plant and get a few monster fruits :) if I had room I’d try it.

  19. im gonna try that! great vid

  20. Outstanding Job!!! God Bless

  21. Yep, it was a sucker….one of many on that plant.

  22. Mr. MHP – that is AMAZING! Was that an actual sucker or just a section of the stem that you decided to try this on? I asked because if it was a sucker – it was a biggin’!

  23. wow. that really is incredible, cant wait to try that method out in my garden!

  24. great method to get some free plants and a jump start on growing from seed


  25. that’s a great idea! I’m gonna have to try that… thanks bobby!

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