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Question by Hihihihihi: How many calories is a salad wrap?
I’m using a 8 inch whole wheat tortilla wrap. The wrap includes lettuce, cherry tomatoes and some shredded fried egg. How many calories would this be? And also, I’m trying to lose weight, so should I eat a salad wrap which contains more calories or a chocolate bar which contains less calories?

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The tortilla has around 150 calories, the lettuce and tomatoes around 30, the shredded fried egg (assuming it’s around a egg) has around 100, so the whole wrap has 280-300 calories. When it comes to losing weight, it doesn’t matter where the calories come from, the only difference is how full they’ll keep you. The wrap will probably keep you full for several hours, whereas the chocolate bar will leave you begging for more in an hour or so. If you can resist temptations after having the chocolate bar, go for it.

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