Saving Tomato Seeds

Matt’s Wild Cherry Tomato seeds to be exact. I think you wanted some, Zac didn’t you? Well, here’s the start. I’ve got some Beit Alpha cucumber seeds, and so…
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  1. They have the best change of germinating if you use them the next growing season, however you can save them for years if you keep them in a cool, dry place until you’re ready to use them.

  2. how long can you store the tomato seeds?

  3. Sending out a batch today. Enough to share with friends, so if you feel generous, go for it!

  4. Send me a note with your mailing address. I’ve got some seed ready to go here and I’ll send some up.

  5. Yes, I think there is a chance. The place I bought them from has 20-30 varieties growing in a back yard with some plastic sheeting between rows to discourage pollinators from going back and forth, though it’s not impossible. The plant I picked these from was about 15 ft. away from the nearest tomato of a different type, so a chance, but not as good as if they were right next to each other. Part of the fun for me though is experimenting, so a possible cross would be fun :)

  6. Will do! I think there are a few hundred seeds in the cup, so plenty to go around!

  7. never done it that way…..interesting……

  8. When you are collecting tomato seed and there are several kind of tomatoes in the garden isn’t there a chance they were cross pollinated and they won’t come true from seed or isn’t that a problem. I would like to try some of your seed too. I plan to save some Ground Cherry seed a little later on so maybe I could trade you some of those. They are related to the tomato so I guess I could use this same method.

  9. Oh those vines are pretty cool! Do they need a long season to grow?? I’d sure like to try them 😉

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