Season 1: Swimming in Tomato Soup = Game Over! :D

Season 1: Swimming in Tomato Soup=Game Over! :D

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Question by Spook: Im sick, is tomato soup good wihtout crackers?
i know its sorta a stupid question, but i have campbells chicken noodle that has veggies in it and im sorta picky, and we have classic tomato soup, but ive never had tomato soup without crackers. would you still recommend it plain?

Best answer:

Answer by Lady Luck
I would. You can even toast a piece of bread-no butter and use that to dip it in…..or if you have french bread or some other ‘rustic’ bread, a chunk of that would work. The toast idea is prob the best.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. New Video!

  2. game over?!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. awsome

  4. e/

  5. great to see a first comment not saying first

  6. Just SHUTUP he is awesome i bet all you do is hate on other youtubers cause
    you have no life and your jealous so STFU AND GTFO

  7. GG E/

  8. and people stop juging him i thing he is a good guy i bet youre all jelous
    of him and you call him names just to stop thinking that hese better than

  9. Gameover

  10. he had fire resistance and regeneration

  11. SkythekidRS sent me

  12. SkythekidRS sent me

  13. game over dude you was crying at the end

  14. what for enchantment did u use?

  15. OMG SKYYYY i love your channle!!!! currently i am watching “Till The End”

  16. Sky sent me



  19. Gold teeth

  20. Thank you Cyanide! I haven’t been on Twitch in a few days (I’ve been busy)
    but I shall return very soon. From Thattwiistedbeast from Twitch :). See
    you soon my friend.

  21. Me too.

  22. Sky sent meh

  23. sky sent me

  24. Sky sent me I guess…

  25. lol

  26. No way, tomato soup tastes the worse withought crackers.

  27. tomato soup is still amazing without crackers.
    but then again, i also love food.
    i hope you feel better. :]

  28. i don’t think so.when I’m sick i like to have cambells chicken noodle soup,but if i do eat tomato soup i always have saltines ready to crunch up and put in my soup.

  29. I would eat it with the crackers. Croutons are good too. That way you won’t get too hungry.

  30. Sure ,when you`re feeling bad ,tomato soup warm is very good with or without crackers ,,hope you feel better soon,…

  31. If your tummy is hurting then I would stay away from the tomato soup. The tomatoes are acidic and that is harder on your digestive tract. You could strain the veggies/noodles out and just eat the broth. That would be good for your tums. Hope you feel better.

  32. Eat the chicken soup. The Tomato is hard on your stomach.

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