Secrets to Upside Down Tomato Plants – This video explains the age-old secret to upside down tomato plants and benefits of planting your tomato upside down. To f…

Question by cindy f: why do the blooms on my tomato plants dry up and fall off.?
my tomato plants will bloom, the blooms then dry up and fall off. The plant itself looks healthy.

Best answer:

Answer by whoisgod71
it sounds like you have a pollination problem

this is due to a lack of bees or other insects that will pollinate them for you, you might also be in an area that doesnt have a lot of wind

for a flower to pollinate and become a tomato, you have to get some of the pollen from the pistils onto the stamen

look at the flower there, you’ll have a little protrusion in the middle and then several protrusions sticking up around it, manually take some of the powder “pollen” from the protrusions on the outside and put it on the stamen, this is kind of like plant sex but is necessary for pollination

if you have tons of plants, just get yourself an ordinary leaf blow and blow it at the plants, this will cause the pollen to be disbursed and will probably pollinate most of your plants

good luck

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tomato plants
Tomato Plants
Image by Nicola Whitaker
Tomato plants in my mini greenhouse


  1. This site says there are a few reasons tomato blooms die, fall off and don’t produce fruit. It could be the fetilizer, dry winds, temerature extremes and lack of pollenation. Go here -

  2. Right now in most parts of the country it is too hot for tomatoes and peppers. Try giving them more water, or try planting more in mid July for great fall crop.

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