Skunk Sprayed Cat Takes a Tomato Juice Bath

Skunk Sprayed Cat Takes a Tomato Juice Bath

Jack the cat gets sprayed by a skunk in North Van and has to submit to the humiliation of a tomato juice bath. Can you say “Happy Kitty?” HE STINKS!!!!!!!!!!…
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Question by Lisa T (Stop BSL): What is best way to get rid of skunk smell?
My dog got sprayed last night and in the past when this happened I bought special shampoo that didn’t work. What is the best way? Tomato juice? Dawn dish soap?

Best answer:

Answer by Male1905
Bi carb soda………….

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  1. Throw the cat away and buy a new one.

  2. who disliked?

  3. i have read that tomato juice doesn’t work and that hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a tablespoon of dawn dish liquid works and is non toxic

  4. I had to do this to my cats… It’s truly heartbreaking they make that loud meowing sound the entire time

  5. Lol my cat got sprayed by a skunk. My siblings gave him a bath in water instead of tomato juice, the bath was funny though!

  6. Use 2 gallons of water, 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a small box of baking soda and 1/2 a cup of dish detergent. Mix well and apply on the dog using a sponge, make sure to apply so dog is thoroghly damp, let it soak for 2 to 5 minutes,, then hose himor her off then let them shake and dry them with a towel. Tomato juice will somewhat work but only masks the smell. I forgot to mention a dust mask works applied with a squirt of lime to help you breathe


  7. it gets the smell out.

  8. did this work??? my dog got sprayed ;o(

  9. And seriously relax it tomato juice its not like its battery acid or something . Its obvious theyre not trying to torture the thing .

  10. Its the best way to get rid of the smell .

  11. Because he was sprayed by a Skunk why else ?

  12. awww 

  13. whyyyy doing this ??? OMG !!!!!

  14. omgt

  15. i would recommend tomato juice a kid in homeroom his dog got sprayed and he smelled disgusting so do it as fast as u can

  16. what everybody says is tomtao juice thats what happend to somebody i know!!

  17. tomato jucice and possibly Lysol

  18. Groomers offer a de-skunk that works well.

  19. Lot’s and lots of deodorant. :)

  20. I saw this on mythbusters.. none of the conventional methods they tried worked. Use the shampoo agian, and give a local animal shelter or vet a call and ask them for tips. If all fails, call a groomer and ask if they can help you. You may just have to put up with a stinky dog for a while!

  21. I have heard that tomato juice helps.

  22. Wash your dog with a baking soda solution – with enough baking soda to make the water cloudy, but not starting to get pasty. Let it sit on the dog for a while then rinse with lemon juice. Between the two it should get out most of the small. Nothing gets it all out, unfortunately, but this mixture has worked for me.
    Don’t use Dawn dish soap (or any dish soap for that matter). It will dry out your dog’s skin too much.

  23. try to use tomato juice bath cause my friend and us went camping and he like messing with animal and on time the skunk turn away and oh man.

  24. 1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
    1/4 cup Baking Soda
    2 tbsp Dish Detergent. The stuff for washing dishes in the sink, not something for dishwashers.

    Mix the ingredients in a large bowl, because it will boil up like Vesuvius. Wash the dog with this while it is still foaming, because it is the oxygen which reacts with the thiols in the skunk stink to neutralize the odor. If it sits around, it will lose it’s effectiveness because the oxygen boils off. Don’t try to store it in an airtight container, because it will blow up. The brew also works for clothes, humans and unlucky cats.

  25. ~tomato paste and warm bath works good~

  26. Selsun blue shampoo

  27. it would be best to find the shapoo again and bath the dog in tomato juice using the shampoo.

  28. white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and (YES) massingil vinegar and water douche – poor on the dog

  29. This sounds wrong but the best way is….. Douche

  30. We had a collie/shepherd cross that got sprayed, twice. Tomato juice didn’t work… Shampoo didn’t work… What worked for us was shaving her fur, done by a professional groomer of course. Looked a little funny for a few weeks but it was the best for an extremely furry dog. Had to keep an eye on her so she didn’t burn in the sun, but it is a viable option.

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