Snow White Cherry Tomato Taste Test

the snow white cherry tomato taste test.

Question by Manda: Want to add onions/garlic to spaghetti sauce?
I have onions, garlic and commercially prepared spaghetti sauce. What is the best approach to adding them to the sauce. Do I need to saute the onions and garlic first? Also I have some cherry tomatoes I would like to add for chunkiness. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Sugar Pie
saute chopped onions in a littel EVOO and/or butter over med-high heat. When wilted, add garlic. Saute anothe rminute. Add halved or quartered cherry tomatoes, satue until hot. Deglaze pan w/ a shot of red wine, then add jarred sauce. Or skip the wine, just add the sauce. Stir well, heat throroughly.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. you will love the snow white cherry.

  2. As so happens I planted some seeds of SWC just yesterday. My first seedlings have come up, a open pollinated version of a hybrid called “Capayan” , which I know nothing about.

  3. I would sautee first because it will make them more tender. Don’t carmalize them, just get them a bit tender. It will be great… I always doctor up commercial sauces

  4. Saute the onion and garlic first with olive oil, then add the cherry tomatoes until they are tender. You then can add the spaghetti sauce and simmer it all until heated thru.

  5. Absolutely! but yes, soften them up a little bit in a pan. Sautee the onions and garlic after the onions are going well, then crush the maders to loose most of the seeds and toss them in with the sauce, will be great!

  6. I went definitely saute them in some extra virgin olive oil first. It’d be tough to cook them in the sauce unless you wanted to let the sauce simmer for hours to extract the flavors from the garlic and onions.

  7. Well im used of cooking pasta by Sautéing the garlic and onions first then tomatoes and add the spaghetti sauce


  9. Yes, in a huge frying pan or dutch oven saute the onions in a little olive oil, add the crushed or minced garlic when the onions are almost done. Then “halve” your cherry tomatoes and throw them in with the garlic/onions and cook them for just a few moments, until they start to soften. Personally, I like to add a pinch or two of cayenne to bring a little warmth to the mix. Then add your commercially prepared sauce and bring to a simmer. Simmer a few minutes until you feel it has all “come together.”

    PS- I also often add extra basil and parmesan, have even been known to saute some sliced mushrooms or peppers. Have fun with it!


    Addendum: Bummer, everyone beat me to it. Lots of great answers above me. Here’s another tip though. I like to cook my spaghetti or pasta, drain it and place it on a big platter or bowl. Then immediately scatter it with shredded mozzarella and parmesan. Spoon hot spaghettie sauce over the top and garnish with fresh basil. This beats the heck out of plain spaghetti anyday.

  10. Yes cook the onions before you put em in the sauce unless you want them to be crunchy.

    For bests results on the garlic finely grate it into the sauce.

    Heat the cherry tomatoes for a while in water until “mushy” the kinda squish/tear them apart and toss em into the sauce!

  11. I would saute them first, then add the prepared sauce. When I make homemade spaghetti sauce I’ll cook the onions and garlic first and then add tomato sauce and tomato paste so its essentailly the same process. As far as when to put the cherry tomatoes in, it depends how long you plan to simmer the sauce. I will usually put chopped, uncooked tomatoes in at the same point that I put in the plain tomato sauce, but I usually simmer it longer since I’m starting from scratch and there’s more liquid to evaporate. But it won’t take too long to heat up and for the flavors to incorporate. Good luck.

  12. yes i would saute them first. also i would add meat.. like ground beef. cooked separately first. until well done. u could cook the ground beef first. add onions and garlic (ground garlic) to the beef. then add that to the spagettie sauce. with cherry tomatoes i would squeeze out the juice first. bc ur spaghetti sauce my become too watery otherwise.

  13. Sautee the onions and garlic in a little olive oil. Cut up tomatoes and add to sauteed onions and garlic. Then add canned spaghetti sauce and simer slowly for at least an hour.

  14. I would saute the onions until tender about 5 min. Add the garlic near the end. Garlic burns easily.Then add the sauce. Simmer for 20 to 30 min. to meld the flavors then serve. Depending on how crunchy you want the tomatoes. Add with sauce for mushy or add right before serving for crisp or somewhere in the middle.

  15. It depends. If you are fond of eating solid garlics/onions you may include them when just when you have just put off your stove/oven. The reaming heat and steam will cook them. You may also fry them first before you put the sauce. Or you may fry them, add water, fry, add water until such time they become sauce themselves.
    I am fond of the latter although it is time consuming and more”cancerous” .

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