Super Sweet 100 Tomato (18June12)

Super Sweet 100 Tomato (18June12)

Please visit DFW Gardener at Producing heavily, and a trellising system.

Question by crownofmia: What specific foods are beneficial to someone “borderline diabetic”?
I don’t need recipes or cook book recommendations. Just lists of specific vegetables that are beneficial, specific fruits, specific grains, specific dairy products. And vice versa, which ones should be avoided? My mom got dubbed this term today.

So far I see that potatoes are not recommended, neither is white bread and carrots. And for recommended I have broccoli, squash, sweet potatoes (really?), tomatoes, squash. Protein I have chicken and fish. … Anything else? Diabetics I would love to hear your responses.

Best answer:

Answer by lolit
there is no such thing as borderline diabetic . if your sugar level is high after thorough examinations like fasting blood sugar . hemoglobin A1c . glucose tolerance test . then you are already considered diabetic . it means your pancreas is no longer producing enough insulin necessary for body metabolism . the diet should be balance one like there must be carbohaydrates , protein good fats and vitamins . based from your body needs from your body mass index calculations . weight reducing program is needed at this time so as to control your blood sugar .

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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1 Comment

  1. Saying ‘borderline diabetic’ is like saying ‘partially pregnant’.

    It means the person has impaired glucose tolerance and a problem metabolizing carbohydrates.

    The best food for someone with such problems is a low carbohydrate diet.

    You are right that potatoes are not recommended. Neither is bread of any sort, grains of any sort, rice of any sort, noodles, pasta or corn. All starches turn into sugar in the blood and spike blood sugar. There is little difference between ‘refined’ and ‘wholegrain’ in a person with impaired glucose tolerance. Wholegrain bread will spike blood sugar as much as white bread.

    In practical terms it means meat+veggies. So for example if the family was having roast chicken, a good choice for the person with impaired glucose tolerance is a normal serving of chicken, and all the non-starchy vegetables that they like, e.g. zucchini, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus. Absolutely no bread or potatoes.

    For more ideas, google low carb diet and you will get plenty of suggestions.

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