Superhero Eulogy – The Great Red Tomato

Superhero Eulogy - The Great Red Tomato

Emotional Baggage is a game with three players and two items. The two items are each given an emotion. Whoever holds that item has that emotion. Robert, Zak,…
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Question by Stephanie: How long does it take for tomatoes to turn red?
I have so many tomatoes in my garden, but they are all GREEN!! I wait for them to turn red to pick them, right?

Best answer:

Answer by James K
You don’t have to
if they are the size you want, pick them, they will ripen inside

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. That’s a classic. I remember back when I was in Improv this would of been
    though up by vic or something. Man I miss it.

  2. much better taste if left to ripen on the vine. once they start to change, it will go fast. just a matter of a few days. don’t hurry mother nature.

  3. It can take weeks. I’ve had green tomatoes on my vines for weeks and when they are full size, thats when they will start to ripen. I have some just starting to get that orange tinge of color.

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