Sweet Pea Tomatoes – Wisconsin Garden Video Blog 185.avi

This year was the first year we planted a couple of Sweet Pea Tomatoes in our garden. Because they are so tiny, and because our other 64 tomato plants were s…
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Question by espers_cypher: Do you like your tomatoes raw or cooked?
I have *hated* veggies since I was young, being forced to eat them every single day… But ever since I discovered the tomato, I got hooked! It’s the most delicious vegetable in the whole world!!! Cooked, that is.

My favourite is cherry tomatoes, those tiny, round, plump, savoury bombshells =a They complement almost any soup-y dish. The contrasting taste of salty (soup) and sweet (tomato), and the way they burst in your mouth at just a light prod with your front teeth… Heavenly! T_T

*But* I hate raw tomatoes. Especially the big ones. They taste *nothing* like cooked ones. Every single person I ask likes raw tomatoes. They’re sour! In a not-so-delicious way. Cooked tomatoes are sweet! How can you *not* like them better?

So which do you like better, and why?

Best answer:

Answer by veganfreak
i like raw tomatoes sliced on sandwiches, but you’re right, cooked cherry tomatoes are good.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Balsamic Glazed Pork Chop & Sweet Tomato Sauce @ ラ スカルペッタ TRATTORIA LA SCARPETTA
Sweet Tomato
Image by LonelyBob
Delicious pork dish with balsamic oil (via Foodspotting)

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  1. I love a good tomato sandwich and of course tomato sauce

  2. As a committed tomato lover, I must entreat you to try a perfect raw tomato before passing judgement on all raw tomatoes.

    Keep in mind that most tomatoes you find in a grocery store, and most farmer’s markets too, were picked when the fruit was green, then allowed to ripen to their red color on the way to market.

    A true “vine-ripened” tomato has quite a different taste and texture. The skins tend to be thinner, the flesh sweet and not sour. Refrigerated tomatoes lose texture and flavor. A sun-warmed, fresh picked, ripe tomato from the vine is how you should experience a raw tomato.

    Try growing a heirloom cherry tomato variety in a pot this next season. Keeping them on the vine until ripe is a problem though, as squirrels and chipmunks will do anything to steal them.

  3. baked tomatoes and rice rocks.

  4. I like both : )

  5. prefer the raw tomatoes… then the cooked ones
    veggies should be cooked properly.. they should be properly cooked, proper amt of spice, salt.. then they taste good

  6. I can’t stand raw tomatoes on a sandwich. I love all tomatoes as long as they’re cooked, though.

  7. both

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