The Cherry Tomato Challenge

The Cucumber Challenge: Becky’s Channel: Matt’s Chann…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Question by Tiah Johnson: How come my face goes so red?
Ok so when the weather is really warm peoples faces go red or a rosey colour right? How come my face goes so red like a cherry tomato and other people just get a little bit of colour in there cheeks? How can i prevent this from happening. Sometimes it’s not even that hot. Like if i look in the mirror now i’ll probably have red cheeks. Please help me. If there is something i can do in my every day life to help stop this can you please tell me?

Best answer:

Answer by Jacob Roslow
Mabey it is a sunburn, Or you have naturaly delicuite skin. I would go for a CAT scan.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Now I challenge you to do this again and then spit them out on the ground then step on them.

  2. Hey you should message me if you are ever in DC.

  3. *insert relevant innuendo about balls and mouths*

  4. Hahahahaa lol

  5. drink more water and they have a cream for irritation wash your face more often.

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