The Red Tomato 37 Boston Post Road Madison, Connecticut.
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Question by Mayra P: Is there a cream or good mask to reduce redness?
i get red (like a tomato) for no reason. when i was little i wouldnt get red but now i do. 2 years ago i got obses with my skin and i washed my face too much and i would clean my face with something really scratchy since then my face got sensitive and i would get red easily and i started getting pores im my nose and around my nose. is there any medical advice? or any good mask or crean that will help reduce the redness?
Best answer:
Answer by Mango
To reduce the redness try and leave your skin ALONE as much as possible. Wash your face once or twice a day with a very mild cleanser and lukewarm water and blot dry. If you are dry then that could be causing the redness and irritation so moisturize. If you are oil try using a homemade mask for oil skin. Yogurt and honey reduces redness and the honey helps to make pores look smaller.
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