Tomato Growing Tips from Meadows Farms Nurseries

Tomato Growing Tips from Meadows Farms Nurseries

Bobby Lewis of Meadows Farms Nurseries shares his tomato growing tips for the Mid-Atlantic region. One of his biggest is to be patient — wait until the grou…
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Question by Alex: Can you leave two plants together?
I have grown tomato, pepper, watermelon, broccoli, raddish, carrot. I have grown these from seed. most plants are about 4″-8″ tall. Can I leave them like this. I am afraid of destroying the plants if I try to seperate. Any advise?

Best answer:

Answer by Aunt Rita
it is best to seperate them and they will grow better. Be careful with the roots.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. yes carefully seperate them and soon before they get to much bigger and their roots become to entangled. tomatoes should be grown along a stake… so carefully tie each plant to a wooden stake. peppers can stand alone away from tomatoes. watermelon need to be planted on little mounds. if anything i would leave the raddishes and carrots where they are since they are root veggies anyways… unless the radishes and carrots are super close together and run the risk of entangling themselves. you probably won’t destroy them.. plants are resiliant and can easily bounce back just be as careful as you can. good luck and i hope you have plentiful crops :)

  2. leave the root crops alone
    transfer the watermelon but try not to break the vines
    transfer the broccoli
    and see if the stems of the pepper and tomato will withstand the pressure before you try to transfer them

  3. trust me, just leave em alone! put em in the ground, let em grow and adjust to the way they grow, a little stake here and moving this vine over there! they’ll be fine if left together! it’s ur garden.

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