Tomato Juice
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Question by Kay: If a skunk sprays your dog, how can you get rid of the smell?
I thought I read at one time that you should wash them with tomato juice, but not sure.

Best answer:

Answer by Edward
Tomato juice

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  1. Thanks

  2. @fingerboard246 lol :)

  3. Keep fingerboarding,two fingers,peace lol

  4. take it to a vet and ask if they will un- skunk your dog or soak it in vinegar and tomato sauce but i suggest you take it to the vet

  5. Tomato juice. My parents dogs were once sprayed while they were out at their cottage. They had no tomato juice so they used alphagettis. The dogs loved it and were eating them up. So I assume other tomato products like spaghetti sauce would work as well.

  6. You can go to the pet store and buy special shampoo for it and give your dog a bath

  7. Tomato Juice worked for me when a skunk sprayed my rough Collie, but here is a formula that was in Dog Fancy magazine that some say does an excellent job.
    1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
    1/4 cup baking SODA
    1 to 2 teaspoons liquid soap (use Dawn)

    Massage the mixture through your dog’s fur, avoiding the eyes, ears, and face. Rinse thoroughly, and dispose of leftover solution.

  8. easy take your dog to a groomer……..$ 60 well spent

  9. take your dog to a groomer.

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