“tomato juice” – rockabilly concert in QueenBee Club, Kiev on June, 2008. http://frenodepedales.wordpress.com.
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Question by pixiebell18: what are the names of some commercial products to get rid of skunk smell?
i have used tomato juice till i am sick of it i just want my dogs to not stink. everything i have used so far gets rid of the stench for a few days then it comes back
Best answer:
Answer by Matthew H
Febreeze or Oust
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Tomato sauce-seriously The sauce is thicker than tomato juice.
Fabreez them babies and stickum in the bathtub…dogs like water
get crayonberry juice the take a bath in it for 1 hour
Omega 3 Milk?
pour pigs urine on them then let them air dry beneath a cherry tree. the aroma of the cherry in the air will rid the stench of foul skank
i think its tomato >paste<, not juice
(this one worked for my dog)
I wouldnt spray my dog with anything like febreeze or an odor remover unless it specifically states its safe for animal use. You wouldn’t want to make your dog sick or possibly poison him.
Local SPCA’s and vet hospitals sell a skunk odor remover. I’d be darned if I can remember the name of the stuff, my dog had skunk problems once too
There is no really good product for skunk but, since you tryed tomato juice…try a odor remover spray i use it on my dog. He was sprayed br a skunk and it worked i just gave him a bath and sprayed for about a week and he smells like flowers….not really more like dog but you get the point.
Get some tomato paste and rub in, making sure it goes all the way to the skin. Then follow up with ivory soap. Repeat until the smell is gone.
When my dogs were sprayed by a skunk I used tomato sauce and ketchup the smell went away but it took an hour and a half of scrubbing and my white dog was pinkish red by the end of the day.
bottle of proxcide & baking soda make a paste & add a couple drops of mild dish soap, rub into pets fur then rince out, this is the best thing I ever found to remove skunk smell, I swear by it & you will too if you give it a try,
Your welcome
Ivory liquid soap
Everything I’ve seen about getting rid of skunk odor from pets involves hydrogen peroxide. The store bought removers have it as an ingrediant. Please look at the web site below for four mixes that will remove skunk odor.
I bought stuff called “Skunk Off” From my vet, worked like a charm. You can also mix peroxide, water, and a bit of dish detergeant together. Works well also. Avoid the facial area with the peroxide though.
I have heard that warmth breaks the smell down. Whatever product you use to shampoo the dog make sure to blow dry the dog. See if that helps. Try blow drying if the dog becomes damp without shampooing and see if that helps. I haven’t had to deal with a skunky dog for a few years
Just don’t scald your dog. Dogs are more sensitive to heat than people.
its tomato paste not juice…..after that bath them in warm honey milk
The vets reccomend Dawn dish soap. Apparently, the skunk spray is oil, and Dawn is a degreaser.
ok, this might sound funny, but I’m serious. Buy powdered Mesingill douche, and mix a large container of it. Bathe the dog, and then pour the mixture over his head, and entire body. It works much better than tomato juice. I heard about it and tried it the last time my dog got sprayed and it was amazing. It works better than anything else that I’ve tried. Trust me and try it, you won’t be sorry.
trust me they never work i always use tomatoe juice and bathe my dog in that it works and even though there is a little smell left over it will go away quikly btw wash your in water after the tomatoe juice!
Before you bathe him again use baking soda dry and spread it all through his coat. This will help pull out some of the skunk oil that bathes don’t touch. Let him go for a hour or so, or until he starts telling you he don’t like that stuff on him. Now another bath in tomato juice, sauce, paste or crushed tomatoes and let him soak in it for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse him off. Apply a conditioner, yours would be fine, and rinse.
The tomato is really the best there is for skunk odor. You just have to give it time to soak into the coat and cut up the crap the skunk left behind.
my sisters dog got skunked a while back and no matter what we did too she smelled for months sorry its just kind of the way it is but it will go away at some point! wish i could be more help!
after you use the tomato juice wash them in white vinegar