Tomato Paste: waste free way to save tomato paste How many times do you throw out your tomato paste from the refrigerator? Here is an easy waste free way to save your tomato paste…
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Question by yonder: How can I keep the squirrels from stealing my green tomatoes?
I have covered the plants from head to toe with chicken wire but he steals the tomatoes when they’re green, just bites a bite or two and leaves it.

Best answer:

Answer by Jackass Damn™
Sit outside with a pellet gun, and wait for them…

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  1. Thanks. But I bet you make your own tomato paste. :)

  2. I liked your video and will use it thanks…the dislike you have was me..I
    didn’t mean to hit it ..I was trying to go full screen..a pushed it… I’m
    sorry please lgnore the dislike..

  3. No problem. Glad you liked it!!

  4. That’s actaully a good idea.

  5. A little 22, that will do the job

  6. a shotgun works well

  7. egads i have at least 20 squirrels and they have never bothered my garden! and I have around 100 tomato plants!
    what is it they like about your tomatos? Or maybe its spite! it could be a case like Bill Murrays…….Ground hog…

  8. I have trouble with the deer eating everything in my garden. My suggestion is to plant enough for them and your family.

  9. Have you tried those tomato baskets where the pot is upside down and hangs. Those suppposed to prevent squirrels. I can’t grow any veges where i live my heat index is too high and they all wilt in the heat. I’m lucky to be able to grow herbs. As far as the last answer goes about the deer that is pretty much it. you have to provide for the critters too :/

  10. My only answer would be to to try squirrel away. You can also place chicken wire around the plants and suspend it with insulators or plastic wire ties and connect it to an electric fencer. I did this with my pecan trees and it works great. See photo at:

  11. squirrels need vit c to chew on- just give them something else

  12. put a steak next to the tomato plant with a cheap aluminum pie pan tied to a string. that should scare the squirrel away.

  13. Maybe if you put out a squirrel feeder with corn on it, he will leave the tomatoes alone. Just a suggestion,

  14. Put some really stinky repellent around the plants like maybe mothballs.
    But what do I know, I’m just “The Really Old Guy”.

  15. Let them have them and get a good recipe for squirrel dumplings.

  16. Maybe birds that is what is getting my tomatoes! Good Luck!

  17. put nuts on the ground

  18. if I tell you how, you are going to jail for animal cruelty, you can’t stop them, at least you know they healthy eating tomatoes.

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