Tomato Plants Yellow Leaves – Prevention Tips

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Question by : Why are my tomato plant leaves turning white?
I bought two tomato plants two weeks ago. I have them in a huge pot together. I have made sure to water them often, but now some of the leaves look like they are fading to the color white. I have them on the east deck. They get the morning sun, but in the afternoon they are in the shade. Can someone help me and tell me what I am doing wrong please?

Best answer:

Answer by Goldilocks Gardener
One possible answer is that the plant might be getting too hot. The east side of the house is usually a good place, but if they are not getting too much sun, is it possible they are getting too much radiant heat? For example, if they are on concrete or next to a wall, they could be getting heat reflected off the wall or concrete. Or are they near an air conditioner or other machine that could be giving off heat?

It might be something else, but tomato leaves can turn white when the temperature rises.

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