Tomato Potato Graft

Tomato Potato Graft

Grafting a Tomato onto a Potato plant.

Question by Why is one tomato plant yellow?
I have 12 tomato plants, or several varieties, that are all doing well except for one which looks “pale”.In the last week or so it has turned from a healthy green to a pale, yellowish green.I transplanted all of them together.Whats going on?

Best answer:

Answer by reynwater
could be it wants “coperus” or iron fertilizer. you could try putting rusty nails in the ground around it.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Did it work? did you get tomatoes and potatoes off the same plant? This
    seems like a great idea.

  2. Great video. Did it take?

  3. Thats so crazy I want updates. Mutant plant better not go cannibal!

  4. Drift compatible.

  5. maybe it didn’t root too well. Also, maybe too much water.

  6. Anything we say would be a guess. Out of 12, one dead plant is not bad. It sounds like root damage to me.

  7. to much water, will make the leaves yellow

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