Tomato Problems : Magnesium Trace Element Deficiency , How to Identify and fix it.

Tomato Problems : Magnesium Trace Element  Deficiency , How to Identify and fix it.

I have been a bit lax regarding my tomatoes lately and not realised that they needed feeding. This has caused some mottling and yellowing of the leaves betwe…
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Question by Rhapsody: How often should I fertilize my growing tomato plants?
This year I started a garden. I did tons of research beforehand and decided to plant potatoes, strawberries, zucchini, and tomatoes.

Everything is growing like crazy.

Now I’m just wondering how often I should be fertilizing my tomato plants. They are in 5ga containers. I’ve been fertilizing them with diluted tomato feed once a week but everything I’ve read about fertilizing gives different directions.

Some websites say to fertilize every other day with liquid tomato feed. Others say to fertilize biweekly with fish emulsion.

Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by Texperson
I fertilize my tomatoes one a week once they start flowering. I use a tomato food, not fish emulsion. I read that fish emulsion by itself can burn the roots and/or not provide all the necessary nutrients. Get a balanced organic vegetable fertilizer and that should be good for all your stuff.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Guys, completely relief your arthritis doesn’t have to be hard (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for remedy called Artholarex Miracle (do a google search). Seriously, I finally eliminated my pain & embarrassment caused by arthritis for good by using Artholarex Miracle.

  2. With my acidic soil, I always add dolomite lime, which gives me both calcium and magnesium. once the damage is done, a broad content fertilizer is the way to go – whichever mineral is absent.

  3. Always flush with twice the amount of soil in water (1 gallon pot=two gallons of water to flush with). Than use a complete nutrient solution (or line) at 50% the normal amount you use.

  4. I did read your post and you categorically said it was NOT Magnesium Deficiency.
    The symptoms are exactly what Magnesium Deficiency shows,I admit it could be other trace element deficiency hence the suggestion of adding Feed with all the necessary trace elements as well as spraying with Epsom Salts..
    But for you to rule out that it is Magnesium Deficiency is just incorrect.Plus it doesn’t make the tip die back whatsoever.
    I’ll stick with the R.H.S.

  5. did you read my post ?…that description you quoted could be several things ,,, you have to go further  (like I did in my post) to narrow it down…. I’m quoting from Rodale’s organic gardeners handbook of natural insect and disease control.

  6. To qoute the Royal Horticultural Society if I may ” A lack of magnesium shows up as discolouring of the leaves between the veins: from a healthy green to a pale yellow and eventually brown — a sort of mottled appearance called ‘intervein chlorosis’.”

  7. that is not magnesium deficiency..
    yellow leaves with green veins suspect iron deficiency
    yellow leaves with green veins and dark spots developed in the yellowed areas is zinc deficiency.. if the dark areas are bronzed it is potassium deficiency.
    the sign of magnesium deficiency. is pale leaves with a dying tip…if the plant is also stunted it’s nitrogen deficiency

  8. Nice! Great information! Thanks

  9. Yea, Epsom salts is my remedy. Good for sore feet too ! Good info !

  10. Thanks..That’s exactly what some of mine were looking like. I’ll have to give it a go

  11. A few of my strawberry plants have leaves that are yellow with deep green veins. The patch just produced strawberries, so it might be a mineral deficiency : )

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