Tomato Saar – Tomato Soup Maharashtra

Tomato soup from Maharashtra called as tomato saar you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah…

More Tomato Soup Recipe Articles


  1. @SunRaStarGod333 that is an excellent idea!! I can makes lots of recipes now but I don’t have a clue what goes with what. :-/ well I have a little but it’d be nice to get ideas. :-)

  2. your the best…. i have made a few dishes from here, fo sho and they are yummers. Question? Could you do videos of dishes that are served together from regions….. like this tomato saar…. what would they serve with it? I made the tomato eggplant curry with it but found they were so similiar that i could have done something else with more effect.

  3. Ding Dong Ding Dong! He always comes up with the funniest ism’s! Another favorite Sanjay-ism of mine is ‘Ding Chick’, and ‘Aye aye aye ayeeeeee’!!!!!! Love you chef!

  4. My Fav…:) Tomato saaaaaaaaaruuuuuuuuu..:)

  5. @poupoune6666

  6. Thank you!

  7. Hing is Asafoetida

  8. Looks good.

  9. simple,cool,great,………… Kids will love

  10. What is hing?

  11. I don’t understand how I can get the recipe from the website, when i type it on the search bar I get to a recipe that is posted by (i think) a subscriber and that is dating from 2007…

  12. Love your show! Check out my show here on youtube called LateChow!

  13. My lips are tingling though 😀 only put 2 birdseyes in hehe

  14. Ding dong!!! I just made it. Quick, delicious! An excellent soup/saar for me to begin with. I used milk as I don’t have coconut milk, and I don’t have hing. Thank you Vahchef!!

  15. damadooo

  16. I just realized that Maharashtra cooking doesn’t use much garlic. Am I wrong?

  17. DING DONG!

  18. I hate tomatoes so much, but I’ll still like this video.

    For the effort you put into researching this recipe, editing the video and everything like that.

  19. I love your recipes, thank you :)

  20. Oh dear lord sanjay this is 9th recipee of the day u need to relax a bit :).

  21. 2.45…and Ding Dong

  22. Rice, saar and fish fry especially tarla or karli fry …yummy combo

  23. 2:45 action

  24. This looks wonderful, I can’t wait to try it. Great job, chef!

  25. One person does not like delicious soup!

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