Tomato Soup

Delicious Tomato Soup based on the recipe found on Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube video “Georgie Cooks Tomato Soup” Original video:…
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Question by duaa119: how can i make condensed tomato soup?
im trying a new recipe and it requires one can of condensed tomato soup, i don’t have this, so what can i substitute it with, spaghetti sauce, tomato paste?

Best answer:

Answer by Sugar Pie
I’d use ketchup. Spaghetti sauce or tomato sauce in a can are ok too, but NOT tomato paste. (that would be WAY too tomato-ey)

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  1. nice careful of the blender.the instructions say don’t get
    it in a substance hotter than 80 degrees c.

  2. Ketchup or either tomato paste but you need to thin the paste out first. Or you can use tomato sauce it would work.

  3. If the recipe asks for condensed tomato soup, then you must go get some or the recipe will not turn out the way it was meant to.

  4. my mom makes a very tasty and healthy tomato soup.
    Add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste. Then you can add anything of your preference, like bits of carrot, celery, onion and spice to taste.
    Hope this helps.

  5. Anything tomato works EXCEPT ketchup.
    (too much sugar and vinegar)

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