Tomatoes and Indoor Vegetable Gardens : How to Grow Hanging Tomato Plants

If you want to grow hanging tomato plants, choose a pot that will give the tomato plenty of room to grow, with a mix of cocoa and soil, and hang the plants i…

Question by Jenner: black dots on my tomato plants?
two of my tomato plants have black dots all over their stalks and leaves. was wondering if anyone knows what this is and if it will ruin the plants. and is there anything i can/should do about it?

Best answer:

Answer by easygreenstore
It sounds like your tomato plants have early blight. The leaves will die prematurely, but you should cut these off carefully to reduced the spread.

Early blight is usually soil-borne, but there are copper and sulphur sprays you can get to try to tackle the problem.

Hope this helps,

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1 Comment

  1. Bacterial spot, speck, and canker all show up as these symptoms, best to mulch the plants before planting, heavy rains splash soil onto the fruit and leaves, In the first source it will tell you maneb the second source is what I use, something I put together for last years persistent blight problems in tomatoes, last year was very wet, but I had no sign of any of these three conditions. I usually raise about 300 tomato plants a year. There is another system of tilling the ground in the fall and growing crown vetch, under tomatoes, just digging the holes and planting, this would keep down the splash that initiates these conditions. You should be able to find the research on this in the USDA literature in Beltsville, MD. It’s also available in many Universities literature

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