Transplanting Tomato Plants #81 It’s so nice to have tomato plants growing in my garden. It’s also good put more nutrients into the garden with more organic soi…
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Question by amydreams_75: Why are my large tomato plants not producing tomatoes?
My tomato plants are huge, close to six feet tall and bushy. They are making buds but no tomatoes are being produced at all. Not even little tiny ones. The plants look healthy, the leaves don’t look like any bugs or animals are munching on them. Please let me know if you know why my plants aren’t producing. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by BlueDesert
Tomatoes need plenty of sun and heat to set fruit .(Tomato is classed as a fruit,not a vegetable)
You don’t say where you live but maybe if it is just starting to warm up in your area and it’s just not warm enough. YET Tomatoes need 12 hours of FULL sun a day. They won’t produce anything if they are in ANY shade. They sound very healthy so my guess is they are not getting enough sun and the days aren’t warm enough (85+ degrees every day and warm nights) also tomatoes like water but too much water can cause lots of green growth but no fruit.
Good luck.

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  1. Yes, drying out any plant, well most encourages flower. For a couple weeks or more it sounds like u could be using a 10 52 10 fertilizer as well. If ya like miracle gro, most of it on the shelf is vegetative fertilizer. Plant prod products are in all the box stores and cheapest there. Just keep an eye on ur #,s 20 20 20 is what makes it 6ft tall only. A hint of drought with flower food, but no wilting leaves, but every watering can handle fertilizer if u keep it lean(fert mix) and NEAR dry in between. like a couple inches on top. Happy fruitin around! That sun thing certainly does have some merit as well. My lot has become too treed for the garden fruit but Joe, John and susie all have em at the same time :)!

  2. tomato plants start to shut down in hot conditions…if the night time temperature is too warm they will not set fruit

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