Trellis System for Hydroponic Tomato Plants

Trellis System for Hydroponic Tomato Plants.
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Question by purplecows500: Tiny red bugs on tomato plant?
There are really tiny red bugs on my tomato plants. This is my first year having a garden so I’d like to get something out of it. I think these bugs are slowly chewing holes in the leaves. I think they might be mites. What can I do to get rid of them? Are there some home remedies, I’d rather not spray insecticides? They’re also spreading to my cucumber.

Best answer:

Answer by DK
Sounds like red spider mites. As for getting rid of them, if you look around online, there are certain (nontoxic) things that you can make at home to get rid of them. If anything, you can always get an insecticidal soap. It’s easier on the environment but is just as effective.

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  1. After my plants took a wind beating I rigged up a mason line trellis system and will train the plants to grow up the line. I plan on pruning the plants very heavily to avoid bushy plants and wasted growth. We’ll see how it goes. Check out my other vids on building a variety of hydroponic gardens.

  2. I suggest starting over since it’s still early in the season. As to non-toxic ways to killing insects on tomatos I’ve given up…There is a product called Safer Soap you might want to try if you have the time.

  3. Sounds like spider mites. Try a good blast of water on the mites from the hose every day… they tend to thrive in dry conditions. Also consider a horticultural soap spray. There are miticides available, but I don’t care to eat tomatoes sprayed with most of them.


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