Vegetarian Roasted Tomato & Garlic Pasta Sauce Recipe – SUB HERE! This sauce is complex, deep and bold. It is also vegetarian. You can use it with any kind of pasta you like. Enjoy! Print t…
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Question by markos44444: What can i make for dinner with these ingredients?
today im being very unimaginative and i have absolutely no idea what to make for dinner using any of these ingredients-
chicken legs
minced meat (not very nice minced meat)
baked beans
tomato pasta sauce
spring onions
some other small stuff so just ask if i have it, if not i can always go to the shop, but nothing expensive of course!
now i have all these things plus some others and if someone comes up with a nice recipe thats different and i like it, of course 10 points for you :) thanks anyone

Best answer:

Answer by Noahs
Salmon over a bed of rice. BBQ chicken in the oven and baked beans. spaghetti baked in the oven with a layer of cheese!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Mushroom and Sun Dried Tomato Pasta
Tomato Pasta
Image by code_martial
Mushroom and sun dried tomato pasta at Sunny’s, Vitthal Mallya Road, Bangalore. I love sun dried tomatoes, man.


  1. Chicken chechatori use the chichen legs spring onions tomato sause and searve over rice

  2. Hey there! :)

    I am studying for a culinary school and they said i have to answer people´s questions here so here we go!

    Meal number 1 = So with the spaghetti you can make some nice spaghetti with tomato pasta sauce.
    If you dont know how to make it , then u just boil the spaghetti until its soft , u remove it , season it at your likings and then add the sauce and maybe a little bit of grated cheese.

    Meal number 2 = Make mashed potatoes! Get the spring onions and cut them into little pieces , then get the potatos , take the skin off with a knife , and then put them in a bowl , with 1 cup of milk , and some grated parmesan.Then start mashing! Then heat them up and voila! Tasty Onion&Cheese mashed potatos.

    As for the chicken legs , you can marinate them with a packaged marinade they sell every where ( bbq , sweet and sour , etc) just read the instructions on the pack and you´re ready to go!

    Now for the baked beans , you can eat those alone , they are perfectly good!

    With the minced meat and some left over tomato sauce and some texmex spices you can make chilli con carne! You just get a bowl of tomato sauce , you get the meat , you cook the meat in the over or on a pan , then you add that to the tomato sauce , then you get about 1/8 of a cup of mixed texmex spices and add that in , then heat it in the microwave! You got yourself some nice chilli 😀

    That was all i could write , because my fingers are aching now :)

    Enjoy it :D:D:D:D

  3. layer chicken legs in a baking dish lightly season with salt and pepper lightly drizzle Italian dressing over chicken legs bake on 350 for about 40 to 45 maybe a little longer until done. serve with rice and a vegetable. P. S. a little extra dressing over chicken turn into a nice sauce for spooning over rice.

  4. There are a lot of possibilities there. You could do spaghetti and meatballs. Mix the 1lb of minced meat with 1/4 cup bread crumbs, a few tablespoons of milk, Italian seasoning and 1 egg. Roll into 1 inch balls and bake 20 minutes in the oven. When done add them to the sauce and simmer. Serve over spaghetti.
    Grill the chicken legs and baste with BBQ sauce and serve with Caribbean style beans and rice. Start by sauteing some chopped veggies (onion, peppers) in a couple tablespoons of oil. Add rice and water or chicken broth and cook till rice is done. Add beans and chopped green onions.
    Salmon marinade; 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, small amount chopped garlic(optional). Marinate 30 minutes to 1 hour. Grill or broil salmon. Make an Alfredo sauce for the pasta and serve it as a side.
    Hope this helped!

  5. BBQ Chicken with baked beans and potato salad

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